latest parking woes


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
well, you remember I had a friend who had bought 3 passes and was gonna check to get me one since you supposedly can get 5?

Well the AA told him they didn't know if he could get anymore since, since they didn't know if they'd have enough available...

What is up with those people anyway. Are they just trying to persecute me personally? Is RR behind this?
He could have ordered five right away and been fine I'm sure. They said it was first come first serve. This is a trial run at something that just about everyone is doing across colleges all over.

Not sure how many parking spaces are available in all at GT on game day. These 1100 or so they are trying to control aren't many when you look at all the parking spaces.

Heck, if it's such a problem I'll swing by some place easy and pick you and yours up. I don't think you'll have much problem. We'll all work to try and help each other out. We're all on the same team!!
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
Heck, if it's such a problem I'll swing by some place easy and pick you and yours up. I don't think you'll have much problem. We'll all work to try and help each other out. We're all on the same team!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Looks like Ramblin's gotta new friend!

Who didn't know letting people order 5 would not cause a problem? The average seats per customer is probably between 2 and 4. 3 parking tickets per customer would have been gracious plenty, it would seem. But many have apparently ordered 5, planning to give them to friends or sell them (a number have posted to this effect on the Hive), and now GTAA is having to cut back on the promise of 5, as I expected would happen, and the greed of a few has inconvenienced others (such is the real world).

I only needed 1, so I only asked for 1 (in Peters, that is). Could have bought 5 more elsewhere, but did not. Figured it was better to leave them on the shelf and let those who needed them buy them directly.

How could they have done it? They could have allowed one pass per every 2 tickets (rounded down) [to encourage carpooling], then open up sales of any remaining tickets after a deadline. But they didn't ask me ;-)

That said, it's about THE GAME not the PARKING, so we'll all be all right.

Hopefully the GTAA has learned something (which they should have foreseen) from this pilot, and will do better next year, when BDS will actually have more seats. As to the loss of parking spaces this year, has anyone seen an actual number?

Fortunately, 1500 parking deck spaces will be available across I-85 off 5th next year, to help the situation somewhat.
Originally posted by Goldtimer:
Figured it was better to leave them on the shelve and let those who needed them buy them directly.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Gtimer, my only concern is that those tickets will stay on the shelf and I'll be parked at some Marta station outside Atlanta. Tailgating just won't be the same out there...
I guaranteed that alot of folks bought extra parking passes (i.e. more than they needed) to facilitate their friends/tailgate groups. I bet their will be a huge black market for these as tailgate groups re-align in the various GTAA controlled areas on campus. I wouldn't worry about it now and wait till we get closer to kickoff. Fan Day would be a good bet as to when most folks are going to meet and finalize tailgate locales for Aug. 31st.
Ramblinwise1, the day I have to take Marta is the day I quit going to games. College fooball is not taking mass transit, at least for me it isn't.

Hopefully, my friends will come through with a parking pass. I have been a season ticket holder for nearly 20 years, but am not a Dodd Member or higher, so I got no shot at a pass. I agree with Goldtimer 100%, did they not see this coming by allowing 5 per person? Duh!! I think the pass idea is a good one, but man does it need some refining.