List of Greatest GT QB's of all time


Aug 31, 2005
List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Here's my partial list of GT's greatest QB's of all time. Note that I will leave Reggie off (his career is still in play). Also I have forgotten some of them so this is my partial list. I cna't remember before Eddie McAshan (I was too young). Also the Todd Rampley's, Bucky Shamburger's and Darrell Ghast's don't make the list because I have set a minimum of a year as a starter to qualify. There weren't any qb's of note in the 70's because Pepper ran the wishbone to death. In order from best on down. Here we go:

1) Joe Hamilton
2) George Godsey
3) Sean Jones
4) Mike Kelly
5) John Dewberry
6) Donnie Davis
7) Eddie McAshan
8) Rick Strom
9) Jim Bob Taylor
10) TJ Suggs

I am sure Kim King and Billy Lothridge would be way up there. Who have I forgotten?
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

the 5 best in the last 40 yrs
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
1.Joe Ham
2.Shawn Jones
3.Billy Lothridge
4 G.Godsey
5.Kim King
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

First glance I thought you had #10 as AJ Suggs...I am young, so I don't much about a lot of those guys, but had to reread to make sure #10 was right :)
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

I'm with you. There's no doubt about 1 and 2.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Brain lock on me. Who was the qb of the '52 team?
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Donnie Davis are you mad, he gets benched for a guy that leads us to a 1-10 season?? AJ Suggs gets beat out his senior year by a true freshman???

Now out of high school these guys were studs but in college total failures. There is NO way they should be on a list unless it is the WORST qb's off time. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Davis was beaten out because of a) politics and b) injuries. When he was given the chance he did well. Whether he belongs on the list or not is another story but he was a pretty good college QB.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time


Just to clarify my earlier statement, I was not calling for AJ to be on there. I at first thought he did put him on the list, which like you, I would completely object to, but he has a TJ Suggs listed on there - I figured this was some old time QB that I just hadn't heard of - is this a real person, or was the list originally supposed to say AJ?
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Probaly the BEST of them all Wade Mitchell.52 QB was I think Frank Broyles.

Was wrong it was Bill Brigram and the one and only Pepper Rogers. By the way Coach Dodd always considered Mitchell one of the best atheletes he ever coached He played both ways.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

If you think about my list, I can't really think of anybody that I left off (except in the mid 70's). The reason AJ is #10 is that he is the worst of the only 10 that I can think of. Please add a name if I am missing one.

By the way Wade Mitchell must have been an ABSOLUTE stud if he is better than all of these others! There are some pretty darn good qb's on this list. I know Wade is a longtime native Atlantan. He was just before my time.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

He was a stud. Great athelete all round great player.
I don't know how Mitchell would do today with all the others but he was truly a fine player, old fashioned QB and DB.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

No offense GTYJ, but there is a big difference between the "Greatest Tech QBs of all Time", and the ones that are very recent.

personally, I believe the ones that have a national championship next to their name should take the first 4 spots.
After that, I would have liked to watch someone that could have equaled what JOEHAM could do for his team.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

I don't understand what's wrong with wishbone quarterbacks. Even though they don't pass as much, they're still qbs.

Danny Meyers
Gary Lanier
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Top ten career passing as of beginnin of the year.

1) J Hamilton 8882
2) S Jones 8441
3) G Godsey 6137
4) M Kelley 5249
5) J Dewberry 4193
6) R Ball 4143
7) E McAshan 4080
8) D Davis 3261
9) K King 2763
10) AJ Suggs 2422
11) B Lothridge (if you don't count active)

Top to season passing

1) Godsey 3085
2) Hamilton 3060
3) Godsey 2906
4) Jones 1992
5) Hamilton 2314
6) Jones 2288
7) Suggs 2242
8) Hamilton 2166
9) Ball 2147
10) Lugenbill 2128

Career TD Passes

1) Hamilton 65
2) Jones 51
3) Godsey 41
4) McAshan 32
5) Dewberry 27
6) Ball 26
7) Kelley 23
8) Davis 22
9) Broyles 21
10)Lothridge 18
11) Crawford 17

Career Passer Rating

1) Hamilton 148.2
2) Godsey 143.6
3) Toppy Van 134.6
4) Southard 129.2
5) Jones 125.6
6) Dewberry 125.5
7) Davis 121.4
8) Pepper R 118.6
9) B Brigman 116.2
10) Crawford 113.6

I'm not saying numbers are everything, but other than picking guys based on one good year, or total wins (which I couldn't find and didn't feel like calculating), everything else is preferences. If you look over these lists there's certain names that keeping popping up.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

AJ Suggs gets beat out his senior year by a true freshman???

[/ QUOTE ]
AJ may the a great guy but there was no doubt that he needed to be replaced. There were 3 games the year before where he had the ball in his hand with a chance to win or tie. All 3 resulted in turnovers (Wake, Clemson, FSU).
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

Man, imagine what Godsey's numbers would be if he had 2 more years to play like Joe and SJ did.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

In reply to Pocket Watch's quuestion, I want to say Darryl Crawford but somehow that doesn't seem right. I recall that the quarterback in question (whatever his name) was a great defensive back during those years of 1 platoon football. Definitely should be in anyone's list of top ten Tech quarterbacks.
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

My bad, Wade Mitchell was the man. My father raved about how smart he was and how he could do just about anything on a football field. Definitely a top ten
Re: List of Greatest GT QB\'s of all time

A redshirt year or TWO helps everybody, It might have helped RB, definetively helped JH and GG. Who Knows?