Look on the bright side...

The football laundry crew won't have to wash nearly as many red shirts in the coming weeks.
The football laundry crew won't have to wash nearly as many red shirts in the coming weeks.

That just means you aren't going to bring your pillow biting trail of tears to another game while whining about the weather.
Fewer Saturday evening plans interrupted by attending football games.
You mean more Foo Fighters?

We aren't taking as much crap in the sports media as UGA is right now.
plenty of room to set up my tailgate and lots of room to pass out in the bleachers.
Fewer people bitching about me standing during the game.
The media has forgotten about Tech. Lose again and we will be the only ones that know other than the winning team's fans.
CPJ's face muscles are well toned from Scowling at games and radio shows.