Looks Like Georgia Tech Needs To Do A Better Job …

Tech seems to focus its energy on one-on-one relationships with recruits and doesn’t put as much energy into relationships with coaches. It seems like it wouldn’t take all that much more energy to drop by schools every so often, shake hands, and drop off some Tech swag.
I think it would more be a time issue. When you got 50 high schools you gotta visit, can't spend as much time at each one as someone who only has to visit 5. Maybe a few with the coach is possible, but I could see in and out being the standard cause of situations like you go to say a few words to a coach, they gp "you gotta meet player X and player Y, oh and player Z over here you should talk to". Now when you try to say no, really gotta head out, you instead get quotes like "GT guy came here, but snubbed me and players X, Y and Z".
Maybe I'm overthinking it but it seems possible. Only way it's definitely not this sort of thing is if this is really only the NCAA-limited assistant coach group doing these things, but I doubt most schools don't have other representatives running around.
Sounds like some of them just want a handshake and a word. Running in and dropping off an info packet is bare minimum laziness. Anyone who has done sales, which is what recruiting is, knows that personal relationships are invaluable.
Makes you wonder about that Tech RB coach who got fired while on a recruiting trip earlier this season.....
Then the standards have dropped a lot since I was there like SAT requirements. Do those matter any more? Just asking since apparently a lot has changed that I have missed. It use to require a waiver if a potential student athlete didn't have a minimum score.
This is why we should be focusing on the private high schools and the top academic public school systems in each state. Both groups will have players that can get in and stay in.
Another on-point article by Ken.

Turning the ship around starts with recruiting which starts with a respectable budget, an adequate staff and someone at the top to demand excellence and a high-level of production, accountability and results.

There is really no excuse for so many coaches to have not heard from us in a while. And it really doesn't matter if JJ's take is accurate or not. Play the damn game or we will continue to get shut out of our share of the gold mine of talent in our own back yard.
There was an article right when Geff took over with almost exactly the same quote (minus the pandemic BS)
I see. I guess both staffs could've done better building recruiting relationships with high schools then.
There are 808 high schools in Georgia in 159 counties.

Are we allowed to send our “analysts” to cover any of these territories? Perhaps put one of the young guys in charge of “outreach”…
Sounds like a bunch of whiney high school football coaches looking for another payday. These ööööers are gonna send their 4 and 5 stars to Athens anyway. They're just hoping to sell their 2 and 3 stars to Tech. öööö these high school coaches.
There are 808 high schools in Georgia in 159 counties.

Are we allowed to send our “analysts” to cover any of these territories? Perhaps put one of the young guys in charge of “outreach”…

277 StinGTalkers said, ‘Yes,’ in the “We Happy” poll. So if each of the 277 that are in-state took on 4-5 high schools apiece, we could blanket the state.
Then the standards have dropped a lot since I was there like SAT requirements. Do those matter any more? Just asking since apparently a lot has changed that I have missed. It use to require a waiver if a potential student athlete didn't have a minimum score.
In-state versus out-of-state is a YUGE cavernous difference. Almost impossible to get into Tech from out-of-state. A potato can get into Tech as a Georgia resident - the SAT and grade requirements are a mere pittance compared to what it takes from out-of-state. Supply and demand.

Among other things you also might have missed . . . Tech has a TON of non-technical degree majors and a double-ton of non-technical courses.

Tech Football: It's not just for IM Majors anymore.
277 StinGTalkers said, ‘Yes,’ in the “We Happy” poll. So if each of the 277 that are in-state took on 4-5 high schools apiece, we could blanket the state.

You want sting talkers to do outreach? Are you nuts? Most of us would probably throw some swag at the coach then go drink whiskey and hit on the moms in the bleachers. If the coach calls us out for it then it will be all “Bro do you even 80k? I know what I’m doing.” Any footage Key gets will be 50% cheerleader practice and 50% blue chips that are only considering Alabama and uga.
I see. I guess both staffs could've done better building recruiting relationships with high schools then.
If the quotes are accurate of what happened. Then the question is how much better could it of been within the respective budgets for them?
Every high school cannot get a visit every year. What I do believe coaches are looking for is that you do drop by occasionally, stay in touch with E-mails and texts from time to time, and pay attention to their athletes who merit at least some consideration. Five things that I know coaches appreciate:
1. Prospect camp information gets to them in a timely manner and they ask for your input on prospects to invite.
2. Good information on days when prospects can visit home games and good hospitality with the recruits and their families, coaches,
and friends that may attend with them.
3. Some special events like hosting seven-on seven competitions or coaching clinics with their staff with good content.
4. Offering coaches with passes an opportunity to attend games.
5. Timely, cordial and honest feedback on any player video you have directed to them.

In our area ECU and NC State do most of these things well. UNC does some of these things and Duke virtually none of these things.
Some rough calculations.
Clown talked heavily about recruiting the state harder. OK ....
PJ's last three full classes - 36 of 64 signees from Georgia.
Clown's three full classes - 30 of 53.
Not taking 19 or transfers into account but strictly signees right out of high school. PJ's last three classes were 56.25% from Georgia. Clown's were 56.6% percent from Georgia.
A whopping .4% increase.

Love how the media, even in the obituaries on Collins' tenure, talk about how much harder he recruited the state because that's what he pronounced he would do upon given that stupefying contract from TStan.
Maybe not so much, huh? Because the media is, by and large, a lazy lot.
I'm sorry but this sounds like Collins and staff not doing their job:

You've got to do the legwork. I don't recall hearing complaints like this under Johnson.

It started under Johnson. I have a friend (Tech Man) whose company sells athletic equipment to high schools and a big complaint from high school coaches and ADs was Johnson’s absence in the recruiting effort. A lot of these coaches and ADs never met Johnson. Additionally, my wife taught two players that were recruited in Johnson’s last two seasons (one defensive starter and an RB that enrolled for Johnson’s last season) and neither one of them even met Johnson until their first team meetings.

The coach at that school never met Johnson either. I’m not saying that Johnson did not have recruiters canvassing the state, but he was noticeably absent. I’m not bashing Johnson here - I liked the guy - but this is a truth.

One things Collins did was put himself in front of these coaches and ADs. He reestablished the head coach relationship with the area high schools. He may not have done much else right, but he did that.