LSU vs. Morons Thread

Damn, we could use a kicker who can kick more than 40 yards.
F'ing UGA always has kickers. That's one area Tech could learn a few things....go out and sign a scholarship kicker out of high school!
[ ] LSU knows how to run the option
[ ] LSU knows how to run the hidden WR fake-FG play
[X] LSU knows how to score 6 points on 147 yards of offense and 3 drives inside the opponent's 25 yd line
3rd & out and the crowd boos.

I guess it's Bobo's week to get blamed for their ineptness.
So, does UGAg's offense just suck or is LSU's defense good?
That mag in short shorts and suspenders is sure getting a lot of air time today.
I'm sure UGAG fans are like "Yes we are stopping the option" in reference to thinking they can stop us...
Their option is so slow, it isn't even like the option with training wheels, or crawling. This is more like the option in utero.
LOL Wasted timeout by UGAg thinking they would get a challenge out of that "fumble."