If you want to get really pumped up about Wright, go to the XXL video section on CSTV.com, select the navy channel, "past games", then "all dates".
You will be able to watch several of last year's navy games for free (and can fast forward thru commercials & when the other team has the ball).
This way you won't have any difficulty imagining where Wright, Peeples, or Richard Watson are going to play.
Then, just for fun, imagine Navy's offense if they could actually throw the ball even moderately better. Also picture it without all the midgets (no disrespect intended, but those guys are undersized). Also with faster players.
Folks, that will be the reality at GT.
The other thing watching those games will do for you is make you respect those NAVY kids. If you put their hearts and minds in bigger, better athletes, they would not lose a game.