McPherson to ask NCAA to probe Fla St U.

Is this inside info about the FSU police, or a rumor?

If there is any truth to this, I wouldn't be surprised to see a real scandal involving more than just a few.

Wasn't the "owner" of the stolen check a big bucks contributor to the program?
lucky, Seems to me that McPherson's lawyer is the one behind all this. From something else I'd read gives me that impression. Could be something to it though. Seems they in info and people," to fess up."

Maybe Lawbee can bring some light on this subject.

What a distraction to their football team. On top of this Darnell steals from a store and doesn't bring it back when he's caught so the football coaches were notified. Seems that if Dunn wasn't half owner in the store then he would have been arrested.

Man, I'm glad I'm not an FSU grad or fan. This is sick looking on the surface.
Yea maybee lawbee can give us some helpful information.I would like to know what is the latest on this situation.
Me thinkum heap big trouble in wigam soon and with big chief Bobby B. and tribe of Crimanole.