MD prez states UNCheat should "get the death penalty".....

Is this the same MD that lost a lawsuit in North Carolina that led to MD owing the ACC a multi-million dollar exit fee?

I'm going to assume that Maryland's statement was printed on a really cold piece of paper.
We one upped Maryland there. We added a guy to our compliance office who worked in UNC's compliance dept. from 2003-2014.

"Among his duties at North Carolina were oversight of all activities related to recruiting and initial eligibility, working directly with the ACC on interpretative inquiries and other general matters regarding daily operations, serving as a liaison between UNC coaches and the University’s admissions office and integrating the registrar’s office into the department’s eligibility certification process."

From a pure sports perspective, it makes sense. UNC will probably get away with it and will have still won the games they did. Hiring a UNC compliance official is like hiring OJ Simpson's defense team.
NCAA oversight is a joke. Do away with their investigating unit. Do away with rules. Schools can pay what they want to athletes. Schools can make a mockery of academics if they like. It's called free enterprise and free choice. Schools will decide which schools they are willing to compete against. The argument against this is that it would be bad for some schools. It could jeapordize TV contracts. So what. NCAA as it now exists is for the purpose of keeping the status quo, making a lot of money for everyone in athletic departments except athletes, and keeping upstarts from cheating while tolerating cheating as an art form by favored programs.
NCAA oversight is a joke. Do away with their investigating unit. Do away with rules. Schools can pay what they want to athletes. Schools can make a mockery of academics if they like. It's called free enterprise and free choice. Schools will decide which schools they are willing to compete against. The argument against this is that it would be bad for some schools. It could jeapordize TV contracts. So what. NCAA as it now exists is for the purpose of keeping the status quo, making a lot of money for everyone in athletic departments except athletes, and keeping upstarts from cheating while tolerating cheating as an art form by favored programs.
I'd rather just shut down UNCheats
NCAA oversight is a joke. Do away with their investigating unit. Do away with rules. Schools can pay what they want to athletes. Schools can make a mockery of academics if they like. It's called free enterprise and free choice. Schools will decide which schools they are willing to compete against. The argument against this is that it would be bad for some schools. It could jeapordize TV contracts. So what. NCAA as it now exists is for the purpose of keeping the status quo, making a lot of money for everyone in athletic departments except athletes, and keeping upstarts from cheating while tolerating cheating as an art form by favored programs.

I'm not sure that is entirely the right direction. Here is my thinking:

1. All NCAA divisions should represent academic levels. Div I means all student athletes scored 1250 or higher on math+verbal SAT. Div II means all student athletes scored 1000 or higher on the math+verbal SAT. Div III means all student athletes scored 750 or higher on math+verbal SAT. Throw out GPA. Any accredited high school diploma or GED is equally valid. Transferring from a junior college because your SAT score sucked? That's fine, but you have to re-take the SAT to meet the division criterion of whatever school. Demonstrate the you learned something at JUCO. You don't need to create fake classes if the kids are at an appropriate academic level.

2. Institute spending and scholarship number caps based on division. Div I schools get 85 football scholarships. No salary cap for Div I coaches. Div II schools get 50 football scholarships and a reasonable salary cap for coaches. Div III schools get no scholarships and coaches make only slightly more than high school.

3. Let anyone pay whatever they want to entice students to go here or there. As long as they meet the academic requirements the school can throw money at them, boosters can throw money at them, etc. An agent wants to give you money to sign with them? Good for you! Maybe require that the overall income of student athletes be under $50k to be eligible for competition. Hiding money to stay eligible? That sounds like a federal crime. Good luck with the IRS, not the NCAA's problem.

The current system incentivizes high schools to keep athletes eligible for high school and/or college competition by any means. So they make up the GPA to satisfy the NCAA sliding scale. Kids scoring as low as 410 on the math+verbal SAT are enrolling at places like UNC because they supposedly had a 3.525 GPA. That makes no sense. A kid who scores a 410 on the math+verbal SAT isn't capable of getting a 3.5 GPA at any legitimate high school.

If the kids have to actually learn something to be eligible for athletics maybe high schools will actually teach them instead of fabricating grades and pushing the problem onto the next level.

What would happen under this system? Suddenly Alabama and Stanford are competing for the same athletes. Would that be good for GT or bad? Hard to say. Maybe more academically focused kids would value our education, or maybe the $50,000 "scholarships" Alabama throws around would bury us.