Mike and Mike

While we're being sensitive about the media and all, I saw something cool yet admittedly taken almost immediately as sort of a backhanded comment about the ACC. During the post-game coverage, the scroll on ESPN gave the score, said it was Clemson's first title since '81, and finally CU became the only team in ACC other than FSU to win national title since GT in '90.

You could come up with similar stats about damn near every conference besides the SEC.

Pac 12 = USC and Washington
Big 12 = UT and OU
Big 10 = UM and OSU

Seriously, what's the point of that last stat?
Mike and Mike are usually pretty fair being Notre Dame and Northwestern fans. @andrew said it best, though. It all comes down to cash flow. Listen closely to ESPN analysts on other networks and you can piece together what is happening there. I heard one on 680 earlier this year say there is definitely an SEC bias among leadership, and when the ACC Network was in the mix, Palmer said ESPN wanted it because the deal for them at the time would have been more lucrative than the SEC Network. It all comes down to subscribers.