More idle ACCCG speculations

Duh, that makes sense now. Forgot about Clemson beating VT.

A better question would be just how far does Mark Richt have the rabbits foot stuck up his ass?
VT will expose that I’m guessing. They are better than us scheme & talent wise on defense and we did pretty well against Miami. UNC gave Miami fits and they’re awful.
Miami is 7-0. but I think there's a better chance they finish 8-3 than 11-0. They are just not that good. If we win out in ACC play, I really don't think our odds are that bad to make the ACCCG.

With our luck, though, everything would fall into place and just as we were banking on getting in via the 3-way tie, VT would shit the bed and lose to UVA after winning 13 straight vs. the Hoos.
With our luck, though, everything would fall into place and just as we were banking on getting in via the 3-way tie, VT would öööö the bed and lose to UVA after winning 13 straight vs. the Hoos.
This would be the most GT thing ever.
Here's CPJ's presser today... where he said that if we win out, and if Miami loses to VT and one other, we'll all three be 6-2 and we'd win the tiebreaker.

Is that because Miami would have two Coastal losses (whereas VT and we would have one apiece)? I haven't looked at the tiebreaker rules in a couple of hours and forget them.

Oddly enough, that would mean that losing to Clemson had zero effect on our (admittedly already slim) chances of making the ACCCG.

If Miami loses to VT and one other... One other just isn't happening
What if M8ami wins out and beats the dwags in the playoff?

Man, I'd pop extra popcorn for that.

Miami is more likely to lose to uga in the playoffs and put them in the final. Thankfully Clemson wont let that nightmare happen.