Mr. Mills

I guess it's a good thing I didn't STFU or GTFO with my low post count with MM gone. I'll take my experiences learned in the mid 80's as a member of CBC's teams that beat Alabama, Clemson, Tennessee, Michigan State, and UGA back to back (their place then ours) over 18K plus posts on a message board. Have a blessed day my friend.
Know what? I was at all those games. WITH GIRLS!

If this is all true...especially with Marshall and Mills transferring, I'm just gonna go ahead say that Jerry Howard Jr must be a freaking stud. That's what I'm hoping at least!
If this is all true...especially with Marshall and Mills transferring, I'm just gonna go ahead say that Jerry Howard Jr must be a freaking stud. That's what I'm hoping at least!

He's a beast. Everyone is leaving so they can save face when they lose a spot to him. He's even going to play OL and DB from the looks of it. We're getting a Bugs Bunny in Jerry Howard Jr.
You would think that at a certain point, some of these SA's would address the issue if false, right?
These 18-20 year olds in tight pants and colored shirts better not do anything to make me irritated!