Mutts guide to stingtalkers.

I like the comment about Calculus. It's very telling that they don't understand the difference between college Calculus I-III and High School Calculus, which virtually all Tech students also took before arriving at Tech.

What they also miss is that classes at Tech use Calculus where the "same class" at uGA does not. For example, GT Business classes use Calculus to solve complex operations problems while a class that counts for the same credit at uGA reduces the difficulty of the problem and requires only Algebra. The end result is a different quality of education and different quality of graduation, which is why GT graduates command an almost 2x salary at graduation compared to uGA.
I like the comment about Calculus. It's very telling that they don't understand the difference between college Calculus I-III and High School Calculus, which virtually all Tech students also took before arriving at Tech.

What they also miss is that classes at Tech use Calculus where the "same class" at uGA does not. For example, GT Business classes use Calculus to solve complex operations problems while a class that counts for the same credit at uGA reduces the difficulty of the problem and requires only Algebra. The end result is a different quality of education and different quality of graduation, which is why GT graduates command an almost 2x salary at graduation compared to uGA.

Shut up, calc professor.
Honest question, do they all read stingtalk enough to even warrant that blog entry? I mean who cares? Somebody could post a similar story on here for another site and I wouldn't even understand the jokes b/c I wouldn't have been on the other board enough to think it was funny.

The only other board I could make a competent joke about would be TSL and that's just because their a "polytechnic" university that can't make a sports message board that would rival a middle school programming class project.

I guess we're in that dude's head balls deep. Nice work ST.
Honest question, do they all read stingtalk enough to even warrant that blog entry? I mean who cares? Somebody could post a similar story on here for another site and I wouldn't even understand the jokes b/c I wouldn't have been on the other board enough to think it was funny.

The only other board I could make a competent joke about would be TSL and that's just because their a "polytechnic" university that can't make a sports message board that would rival a middle school programming class project.

I guess we're in that dude's head balls deep. Nice work ST.

I like the comment about Calculus. It's very telling that they don't understand the difference between college Calculus I-III and High School Calculus, which virtually all Tech students also took before arriving at Tech.

What they also miss is that classes at Tech use Calculus where the "same class" at uGA does not. For example, GT Business classes use Calculus to solve complex operations problems while a class that counts for the same credit at uGA reduces the difficulty of the problem and requires only Algebra. The end result is a different quality of education and different quality of graduation, which is why GT graduates command an almost 2x salary at graduation compared to uGA.

'nuff said. Who needs calc when you can have this?
Is this the uga board that for serious asked if it's OK to sleep with your cousin if she's really hot or was that the other one?

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This is actually pretty much on point except for this line:
The Girl: [Error. File not found.]
I noticed the article was written in in June 2013 so at that time, it may have been true.

I also agree with gtphd.... I would guess that math and science classes at any state of Ga university are similar to those at UGA. My son spent his freshman year in sophomore and junior math and science classes at West Ga because their freshman classes do not transfer at all nor to the equivalency of Tech's freshman classes.

But most of it was pretty funny because it is true. :ohsnap1:
This is actually pretty much on point except for this line:
The Girl: [Error. File not found.]
I noticed the article was written in in June 2013 so at that time, it may have been true.

Nah, MadTownJacket has been around for a long time. And going back a few years I think there was another young lady that was a GT student that was dating one of the guys on here, but I don't really know who that was.

And Wreck Em was a identifying as a male in those days.
Nah, MadTownJacket has been around for a long time. And going back a few years I think there was another young lady that was a GT student that was dating one of the guys on here, but I don't really know who that was.

Wreck Em was a identifying as a male in those days.

Hince, why I disagree but
Wreck Em don't count

Oh and he left out the "I'm Always Right Guy"...or is that "The Rocket Scientist"?
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Glad I was able to get some discussion on this thread, even if it was an oldie.....
Pretty weak. I expect them to name names. It was just a mention of stingtalk and then a rundown of stereotypes. Had nothing to do with us.
We should make our own list of uGA fans:


Preseason National Champion: This is the year. Georgia has the best recruiting class in the country and the Next Hershel Walker walker just came into town. Last year was Grantham's fault, and he's gone; it's Mark Richt's time to shine. ESPN has declared Georgia the favorite to win the SEC and so has this guy. He already has tickets to the national championship game and he's all over the internet talking smack about every other team in the country at every chance he gets. You can find him covered in red face paint and crying on the sidelines during Week 3 when Georgia loses to Mizzou.

Suburban Mom: This fan grew up lower middle class but married an accountant at Home Depot and has fought her way to middle-middle class with a $300,000 house and a leased BMW SUV with a soccer ball and stick figure family on the back. Her kids are perfect, and although they didn't get into GT, Emory, or an Ivy League school, they got into Georgia and that's better because "You know, UGA is harder to get into than GT these days". The statistics that UGA has a 2-standard deviation lower average SAT score, a full standard deviation GPA score below GT doesn't matter, because she once her someone say it and it matches the view of the world she so desperately wants to be true.
A UGA fan calling Tech fans nerds. How cute and original. :yawn: Wake me up when Georgia is nationally relevant.