My Meeting with the GTAA

Jack Thompson is indeed a great man for GT to have on its' side. I beelieve he came to GT in 68 and has helped a lot of young people. THWG
Great post Barrel of Rum... for the past 8 months I have encouraged many to do exactly what you did... but for some its easier to get on a message board and spew venom...

Once a month, I usually speak or meet with someone at the Edge.. and it doesnt matter who it is... a coach, Assoc Athletic Director, etc.. I have always found exactly what you described... I usually get my questions answered and then some... and I am usually the one breaking things off... I have found Jack to be just as you described... I called Larry New one day to ask a couple of questions and he spent over an hour on the phone with me.. .

Question for you though.. not to get into the details of your meeting, but did you leave with a different perspective concerning the problems discussed?
Yes, in some ways I did. Especially regarding topics that are too sensitive for the GTAA to discuss pulicly.

But proof is in the pudding. I want to see Dave Braine make some serious changes and in my opinion, i think we will see that. GTAA is listening a lot more than i thought they were. I just don't think they are communicating to the masses as best they could and THAT was my biggest issue.
Thanks for the report and for making the visit, BarrelORum. As you say, the proof is in the pudding, but it is good to hear the cooks are attentive.
Originally posted by BarrelORum:
I just don't think they are communicating to the masses as best they could and THAT was my biggest issue.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You get an AMEN on that one.. PR coming out of Tech has been terrible.. for a long time..