Nappy-headed hos caught taunting Navy..

those academy players day to day lives are soo different from the average college students. it's sad there is obviously soo much ignorance out there. a little taunting is one thing, but the obscenities is too far, imho.
We were still catching **** last year for having thrown fish (and JD bottles) at Notre Dame. Or should we bring up 'Rats, get the tail!'?

There's no 'major difference' between Tech and your average university...unless the major difference is that we don't sell out our games anymore.

That's definitely true - I guess I wasn't thinking about the small population of Tech folks who act the same way. It's probably the same at Rutgers.
That's definitely true - I guess I wasn't thinking about the small population of Tech folks who act the same way. It's probably the same at Rutgers.

Everyone think back to your days as a student at Tech. We had a much higher class of student above the freshman year and even better when we reached our junior year. The morons, drunks, brats and deadbeats had mostly all flunked out or transferred by that time.

I would be willing to bet good money that those classless students at Rutgers who were shouting obscenities were freshmen and represented a very small minority of the freshmen at that.
Y'all might be right about it being a small group, but they do say it was very noticeable. The AD had to call and apologize which tells me it was more than at your average game.