NCAA Press Release


Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 7, 2003
Well, hell.

Complete BS as expected. The Mutts get almost no penalty for their crap, but we get hit hard for ours. Sad sad day.

the institution's inability to adequately investigate itself compelled the committee to determine that this case constituted a lack of institutional control over its athletics program.

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Lets just say, the part about self investigation is a metric assload of BS. It was in the process of being reported when ... well, lets just say someone wanted to keep their job. What a great way to end a week.
The NCAA is a hypocritical organization, which lost all credibility with me during their complete lack of leadership when they were too milquetoast/cowardly to make a decision about playing games the weekend after 9/11. Throwing their weight around when it is unnecessary, but nowhere to be found when real tough decisions need to be made, but always willing to pimp out the student athletes that they supposedly serve. Disgusting. They create a book of rules that rivals the US tax code many of which are square pegs going into round holes. This doesn't surprise me in the least.

Bitches. Screw them.
Wow...2 years is quite a big punishment. Didn't mention anything about bowl games though - are we still eligible?
From reading through all the the NCAA doublespeak crap the last half hour or so, it appears that we're still eligible to play in bowls and such, but 99-03 seasons didn't happen.

Scholarship reduction to 79 total is very harsh.

This is appealable, and I have to think that it will be.
Wow, so if 99-03 didn't happen, what does that really mean to us? When the Fab5 got busted they took down the banners in the gym, are we looking at something similar?
Looks to me like bowl stuff in the stadium for any of those years will come down. But I dunno, this is all lawyer talk.
I peeked over at the DV in the warroom and they're celebrating the removal of our three game win streak over them. Guess that's one way to resolve Sank's fumble.
What exactly does 2 years probation do other than reduce our schollys to 79?...Is it from 85?
let me get this now, UGA will be on record as beating us 14 straight? damn. And on top of this we made headlines about Reuben's drug escapades again. And on top of that we play Miami this week. again..damn. Can someone tell me again why Gailey just got a contract extension? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
So much for the "bowl streak" and UGA wins those three in row. Man, this chews. The report says any published record of those wins in the applicable years must be noted as "vacated." I can hardly come to terms with this. It just seems impossible that Tech would let this happen. Surely, someone MUST be held responsible - it can't just be "oops." A respectable AD with step down in this situation. I'm just sick.
If Sh*t like this keeps happening then maybe we should gut the entire athletic department and start over from scratch...This is one of the worst week in GT history...The sad part is that the highlight of the week is probably the Gailey Extension because we would have had an impossible time getting a coach nearly as good as him with these sanctions in place over the next 2 seasons.

It's a Sad Day in Tech Sports
And I've got a Calc III test tomorrow to boot
here is what you the midst of what the NCAA calls lack of institional control and 6 win seasons, you extend the contract for the head coach for 5 years. makes sense to me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
My reaction:

1) Braine should be fired.

2) We should appeal.

3) We are being punished because we actually have real courses required for our degrees.

4) The idea that we should vacate a win because a player took Physics instead of Biology is insane.

5) The penalties are similar to what UGAg basketball got for Intentional Academic Fraud and all the other crap Harrick & Co. pulled, also insane.

6) The committee included Alabama (never liked us), Stanford (wants the Seattle Bowl vacated), Nebraska (still mad about the Citrus Bowl), and Kentucky (ticked off about Hyder breaking Rupp's win streak).

5) The penalties are similar to what UGAg basketball got for Intentional Academic Fraud and all the other crap Harrick & Co. pulled, also insane.

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Actually, they're a lot worse, thats penalty, was, if I recal 1 basketball scholarship lost for 3 years, and a probation term. This was appealed and the scholarships were given back. So it basically was a slap on the wrist "don't do this again" with no penalty.
If I recall correctly, Ugag self-reported their violations, fired Harrick's son, pulled themselves from the SEC and NCAA tournament bc of a player on the basketball team not having to attend regularly a basketball 101 PE class...and still got several years probation and and scholarship reductions which crippled their program for years to come..oh darn. We had 17 athletes play sports (11 football) that were academically ineligible play when they shouldn't have...worse than what Ugag did. Sounds like we are lucky to some degree with the infractions we did receive. Those O'Leary years are looking more golden everyday. Gailey, like it or not, is getting a poor reputation in all this and coupled with his mediocre seasons..and now, he'll be even more limited with the sholarships to boot. Its going to be a very bumpy ride for a while. Any bandwagon fans may as well get off the bus now.
Re: Actually 1998-2002 and 2004 are washed ***

So do those bowl wins no longer count? Is Gailey's W-L record affected as well? This is horrible. UGA flat out cheats, first tries to cover it up, and then complies when they realize there is no other feasible option and yet we still get a harsher penalty than they did. Wow.
playing 17 athletes that were ineligible sounds like we did some harsh cheating...and as mentioned, the punishment for that seems generous. We better be gratful it wasn't worse. Can you imagine what we'd be saying about Ugag if the roles were reversed and they played ineligible athletes against us? 17 folks...not one or two, but 17.

What in the world does the NCAA violations and sanctions have to do with Gailey? We better be glad he's willing to stick around through this mess. I don't know who in the world you think you'd get to come here now.
ok...forget, if you will, that all this mess happened on his watch. What about consistently having mediocroe seasons on top of this? I know many on this Board just love Gailey, but he has proved nothing since being here....and only bad things have happened to our school. Blame Brain, or Carol, karma, or whatever you wish. Fact is, we're now a middle of the road program (and now probation may make that worse) where just a few years ago, coincendentally just before Gailey, we were doing quite well.