NCAA Press Release

ok...forget, if you will, that all this mess happened on his watch. What about consistently having mediocroe seasons on top of this? I know many on this Board just love Gailey, but he has proved nothing since being here....and only bad things have happened to our school. Blame Brain, or Carol, karma, or whatever you wish. Fact is, we're now a middle of the road program (and now probation may make that worse) where just a few years ago, coincendentally just before Gailey, we were doing quite well.

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What exactly are you on?

The years that we are being cited for playing ineligible players are 1998-2002 AND 2004, this means that best record that O'Leary ever officially had was 7-5, the academic actions that took place were on HIS watch and the majority of violations occured on HIS watch.

In fact O'Leary's record for full years he coached is now basically going to be 18-16, 10-2 never happened, 8-4 never happened, 9-3 never happened, and 8-5 never happened.

Gailey's only year of coaching at GT is now 7-6.

The years in which academic errors occured: 97-98, 98-99, 99-00, 00-01, 01-02.
yea, right Gailey is doing great..just look at that record(insert sarcasm). ...and so many good things have happened since he got here regardless of where people choose to point fingers. You cannot argue otherwise either point. period. You would think that a man being paid a million/year would know what is going on...but that's for another post.
You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

it was 3 years of O'leary and 2 years of CG I believe.

And if the mutts are happy then those are O'leary years. I think the majority of the FB stuff happened on O'leary's watch.

The other issue that makes CG look clean is HE WAS TOLD TO BACK OFF when he was hired. O'leary had his hands in everything and the admins DID NOT LIKE IT.

So just like w/ flunkgate CG has been isolated from these issues.
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

But aren't the wins from 2004 "vacated" as well? If so, do they take the wins off of his total?
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

I think it will be like the games were never played. The other schools don't get to count that as a win.
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

Are we referring to only football years or is 2004 a tennis/swimming year?
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

I still don't think I'm totally clear on what our "probation" entails. Does this mean we can go to bowls for two years? Does it restrict our television coverage? Or, is this only a scholarship restriction? Not getting to go to bowls or conference championships would really suck...
"...start over from scratch.."

Great idea! There is just too much negativity going on in our program right now. Everyone associated with this lack of institutional control should be GONE and FAST!!!
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

So are we saying that there will be no wins and no losses for a certain period of time?
If that is the case, then maybe a season or two or three never happened.
This will take a much better mind than mine to figure this one out.
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

Rome, I too am just flabbergasted (sp?) by this whole matter. Can someone lay out in Lehman's terms who actually knows for a fact what the hell is goin on?
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

If you have Ugaggers working for you, ask them to translate it for us. They've seen these things enough to know how to sift through them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Re: You mean O\'leary don\'t you.....

Is this why I feel 4 years yonger today ?
sorry but you're a dumbass. This has nothing to do with Gailey. Whether you like his coaching or not this is a strictly administrative issue that mainly happened under O'Leary and the academic support structure in place while he was here. The GTAA and the Registrar's office failed. If you don't like Gailey that's fine, but at least act like you have enough sense to figure out what's going on before you start sounding off fool.
are you an idiot

You really think that now is the time to talk about THEM?

They have never gotten a probation slap like the one we just got gift wrapped by David Brainless. Dave Braine just let the NCAA come in and kill us because he didn't send our compliance person to NCAA class for almost 40 years.

We look like ridiculous.
If I recall correctly ...

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You do not.

... Ugag self-reported their violations ...

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They did not.

... fired Harrick's son ...

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They did not. They suspended him with pay and then did not give him a new contract.

We had 17 athletes play sports (11 football) that were academically ineligible play when they shouldn't have...worse than what Ugag did.

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UGA's violations included ineligible players, and it was because of academic fraud, unlike ours.

I suggest you acquaint yourself with UGA's violations and penalties if you are going to argue about them.

Gailey, like it or not, is getting a poor reputation in all this ...

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Gailey had absolutely, positively nothing to do with this.
let me get this now, UGA will be on record as beating us 14 straight? damn. And on top of this we made headlines about Reuben's drug escapades again. And on top of that we play Miami this week. again..damn. Can someone tell me again why Gailey just got a contract extension? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif

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Please tell me that you are either:

1) Joking with these ignorant posts in this thread


2) Have not read what the NCAA wrote and have no previous knowledge of this situation,


3) Are not a Tech graduate because I'd be real disappointed if Tech allowed someone with your lack of comprehension and logic to get a degree.