NCAA to tighten transfer protocol rules


Gettysburg. Wow.
May 20, 2003
Protecting their $$$$

So now, you can't transfer to just be close to your sick dad. The NCAA will require your caregiver plan

In cases where athletes transfer within 100-mile radius of their to home due to injury or illness to an immediate family member or because of a pregnancy, the NCAA’s proposal requires more paperwork from both schools, including “a treatment plan detailing the student-athlete’s caregiving responsibilities.”

This part seems pandering and I don't really see the difference. Looks like where the loophole will be exploited by a lawyer

The previous guidelines allowed waivers to be granted for “egregious behavior by a staff member or student at the previous institution” as long as the previous school did not oppose the waiver, giving the committee a fairly broad window to view those claims. The updated version says waivers should be granted for documented cases where the athlete was a victim of “physical assault or abuse, sexually inappropriate behavior, racial abuse, religious discrimination, questioning of sexuality by a staff member or student at the previous institution” though the definition isn’t limited to those areas.

I mean, what's the difference? Documented how? A write up in the school newspaper is documentation
How does this hurt Saban?
Why don't you ask the Coke bottle?


Or ask Great Clips' Coke bottle - since he sees himself as little mini-me Saban

Just when we’re about to finally profit from a rule, ncaa decides to change it. Any regulation of the transfer market hurts metro and non-factory schools. We just happen to be both.

Could you expound on why it hurts Metro schools more? Seems as if more S/As are within 100 miles of metro schools than not.
Could you expound on why it hurts Metro schools more? Seems as if more S/As are within 100 miles of metro schools than not.
That’s the point. How many student athletes do you think are from within 100 miles of Georgia Tech, and how many do you think are from within 100 miles of Tuscaloosa? Whole lot more SAs could use this rule to transfer to Georgia Tech than could use it to transfer to Alabama.
That’s the point. How many student athletes do you think are from within 100 miles of Georgia Tech, and how many do you think are from within 100 miles of Tuscaloosa? Whole lot more SAs could use this rule to transfer to Georgia Tech than could use it to transfer to Alabama.
Which is why the rules are being tightened. Advantage GT getting transfers back to Atlanta before. Alabama needs it to be more difficult to leave the school, costing them depth
How long until the NCAA decides not starting at Ohio State constitutes being assaulted?
How long until the NCAA decides not starting at Ohio State constitutes being assaulted?
Remember when the player tried to transfer from Ohio State to Maryland and couldn't because he had essentially been taking what would be considered remedial courses for a few years?
Which is why the rules are being tightened. Advantage GT getting transfers back to Atlanta before. Alabama needs it to be more difficult to leave the school, costing them depth

Exactly. Saban and Kirby promise recruits everything, then want to stockpile them for depth. They need the fear of losing a year to keep those guys from jumping.

Tighter transfer rules will finish Pastner off in particular. Homesick transfers are all he can get.
if it knocks down transfers for basketball I wouldn’t care. NCAA players are becoming like free agents in offseason these days
That’s the point. How many student athletes do you think are from within 100 miles of Georgia Tech, and how many do you think are from within 100 miles of Tuscaloosa? Whole lot more SAs could use this rule to transfer to Georgia Tech than could use it to transfer to Alabama.

And, therefor, because the rule has been “tightened” (for lack of better term) some think that makes it harder for us to take advantage of it compared to non Metro school?

I choose to look at it as if we get a larger pool to pick from. JMO. Anyone thinking the rule will not apply to every school equally is, frankly, being silly in my opinion.

Building a winning program helps more than anything. Give the S/As a reason to want to play football (basketball) here beyond any degree.
And, therefor, because the rule has been “tightened” (for lack of better term) some think that makes it harder for us to take advantage of it compared to non Metro school?

I choose to look at it as if we get a larger pool to pick from. JMO. Anyone thinking the rule will not apply to every school equally is, frankly, being silly in my opinion.

Building a winning program helps more than anything. Give the S/As a reason to want to play football (basketball) here beyond any degree.

Right now they’re giving out the 100 mile radius waivers like popcorn. So a kid thinking about transferring has incentive to move back home so he can play immediately. Metro Atlanta is one of the most fertile recruiting beds in the country and we’ve already benefitted from this with three 4*+ transfers.

This policy removes some of that incentive. Which will make it less likely that A) a recruit will want to risk transferring and having to sit out a year, and B) he will transfer back home due to less of an incentive.

This helps factories hold onto their higher-rated recruits for the duration and hurts metro schools that have a lot more higher-rated guys that are potential transfers.

It hurts us in the sense that it significantly lessens the edge we had a day ago.
Right now they’re giving out the 100 mile radius waivers like popcorn. So a kid thinking about transferring has incentive to move back home so he can play immediately. Metro Atlanta is one of the most fertile recruiting beds in the country and we’ve already benefitted from this with three 4*+ transfers.

This policy removes some of that incentive. Which will make it less likely that A) a recruit will want to risk transferring and having to sit out a year, and B) he will transfer back home due to less of an incentive.

This helps factories hold onto their higher-rated recruits for the duration and hurts metro schools that have a lot more higher-rated guys that are potential transfers.

It hurts us in the sense that it significantly lessens the edge we had a day ago.

Goes both ways. It also means a recruit has to weigh how much he wants to stay near home when he commits. He can't go to Michigan and keep the free waiver in his back pocket.

At the end of the day, we are still in Hotlanta and UGA/Bama/Clemson are not.

I actually see this hurting NCAA revenue because the best players may ride a bench rather than start somewhere else. It's a destructive, dumb policy all around IMO.
Protecting their $$$$

So now, you can't transfer to just be close to your sick dad. The NCAA will require your caregiver plan

This part seems pandering and I don't really see the difference. Looks like where the loophole will be exploited by a lawyer

I mean, what's the difference? Documented how? A write up in the school newspaper is documentation
Sit out two years. No exceptions. No more free agency.
Goes both ways. It also means a recruit has to weigh how much he wants to stay near home when he commits. He can't go to Michigan and keep the free waiver in his back pocket.

I think you're giving 17 & 18 year old SAs waaaaay more credit for planning and introspection than they probably deserve, with this.

It's a destructive, dumb policy all around IMO.

That, we can agree on.