Neutral site games in Dallas?

Stanford or Cal really going to travel to Dallas for 3-4 games each season? Who wants to play in a nearly empty cotton bowl multiple times each year
I honestly thought it was only for the non-revenue sports when I first heard this.
Was this negotiated into the expansion deal? Or someone's brain fart after the fact? The Cal chancellor's comments sound like the Pac members insisted on it.
Stupid idea. I'd rather play Stanford at Stanford, Cal at Cal, SMU at SMU......besides, football travel is NOT the problem.
Agreed the problem is the travel costs and time for non revenue sports travel. Disagree it's a stupid idea. Splits the time , jetlag and the cost from the coasts, flying into a conference opponent's home town.

RDU is an AA hub with direct flights solving NCSU, Duke, Wake and the shitheels in one move. ATL and BOS is Delta direct. Miami is an AA hub direct.
Agreed the problem is the travel costs and time for non revenue sports travel. Disagree it's a stupid idea. Splits the time , jetlag and the cost from the coasts, flying into a conference opponent's home town.

RDU is an AA hub with direct flights solving NCSU, Duke, Wake and the ööööheels in one move. ATL and BOS is Delta direct. Miami is an AA hub direct.

Pacific Coast teams that want to join Atlantic Coast Conference should be the ones inconvenienced.
Stanford or Cal really going to travel to Dallas for 3-4 games each season? Who wants to play in a nearly empty cotton bowl multiple times each year
Schools whose alternative was to play in nearly empty high school stadiums ?
Agreed the problem is the travel costs and time for non revenue sports travel. Disagree it's a stupid idea. Splits the time , jetlag and the cost from the coasts, flying into a conference opponent's home town.

RDU is an AA hub with direct flights solving NCSU, Duke, Wake and the ööööheels in one move. ATL and BOS is Delta direct. Miami is an AA hub direct.
Forcing both teams to travel would greatly increase travel costs and no one's family could easily attend. Stupid af.
Agreed the problem is the travel costs and time for non revenue sports travel. Disagree it's a stupid idea. Splits the time , jetlag and the cost from the coasts, flying into a conference opponent's home town.

RDU is an AA hub with direct flights solving NCSU, Duke, Wake and the ööööheels in one move. ATL and BOS is Delta direct. Miami is an AA hub direct.
No way it splits the costs to have both teams travel. It just creates cost for both teams.
It just creates cost for both teams.
That's the point. Dollars to donuts the Texas plan lead to NCSU buy in.
No way all east coast teams are footing the nut for their non revenue sports to the west coast.
If we bring Cal and Stanford into this conference and then I don’t get to travel to Cal or Stanford to watch a game, then this whole thing is ööööing retarded.

As I hear it it's the non revenue sports not going transcontinental...not FB and BB.
As I hear it it's the non revenue sports not going transcontinental...not FB and BB.
It makes sense for holding events like cross country , track, tennis, etc. tournaments where everyone has to travel anyway. It doesn't make sense for one offs like football, basketball, baseball games unless you bring a group of schools in for a mini-tournament setting, which could be a cool concept if it is done at other sites as well (for instance, bring Syracuse, BC, VT to Atlanta for the same. And it aids SMU more than any other school, which I'm okay with since they are apparently forfeiting more money to join than anyone else.

I don't buy the argument that it hinders the academic side of things. Teams like golf, tennis, baseball already spend multiple days away from campus for away events without much impact.
Golf, track, cross country are examples where schools don't play much of or any in-conference schedule all year long. They officially run the ACC Championship and that's it, potentially. I would think the killers will be baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball. Basketball is too much of a money maker so I'd think they schedule Cal/Stanford in for a two game long weekend...Sat to Mon/Tues. I'd think with baseball and softball, they will keep the teams out East for a two week trip...most classes have the ability to attend online, or they will make them available. They might deemphasize the full season for the west coast teams, it's the tournaments that matter. Let them play the west coast teams in baseball, softball, etc. So I could see travel being coast to coast travel and only occurring once a month.

I wouldn't be surprised if they use Atlanta/Tech for some mini-tournaments. You could play two or even three different teams in volleyball over one long weekend. Then hop back on the airplane with the cross country teams, etc.

The more I think about it or see ya'll's thoughts, the more I think it can be done and will work out a lot better than traveling every other weekend.