Never in my 30 years...

Been there, Done that. Happens more than you think in the NFL.

Thanks Mover...I respect and appreciate your thoughts for I sure as hell haven't been there.

It just didn't seem right to leave an opportunity to move closer to make it a chip shot or even score a touchdown go by and also put ourselves in a position to make a crucial mistake and take us off of the edge of comfortable field goal range......which we did.
What I don't understand is how the OL could just crap on themselves to not get 2 to 3 yards a pop. If we have a leader on that group I would like to know who it is because I see no fire in that group unless you just ridicule them the week before so they get so mad they actually come out to play.
That is what I meant by NFL coaching bsakoff. It is just sickening.

The GT community and family deserve a lot better.

Contrast Gailey coaching to Les Miles in the LSU/UF game last night. Miles is making ballsy calls all 4th quarter, trusting in the talent of his team. He has as much of a gimmie field goal to tie at the end, but goes for the first down to get the TD to win. (just one example) I wish we had a coach like that.
What is DRad thinking, watching his current coach and watching the coach from where he just left?
What I don't understand is how the OL could just crap on themselves to not get 2 to 3 yards a pop. If we have a leader on that group I would like to know who it is because I see no fire in that group unless you just ridicule them the week before so they get so mad they actually come out to play.

While its a shame that they can't man up and get it done in that situation, and the holding penalty was absolutely brainless, the coaching overshadowed the situation. I had to listen on the radio and Wes was practically shouting about how on the last series UMd was putting everyone in the box to stop the predictable inside runs. 9 against 5.
Contrast Gailey coaching to Les Miles in the LSU/UF game last night. Miles is making ballsy calls all 4th quarter, trusting in the talent of his team.

Contrast our OL to theirs, that doesn't hold on 3rd down when all we need is zero yards.