New Band Uniforms

These uniforms will help us recruit a higher level of student-band-athlete.
GT should offer money off tuition for band members and try to fit out the largest band in America. I’m talking 400+ members at home and 200 away. Move the gay frats out for seating.
Why’d I get a big cry? It’s a legit question. What’s the point of band uniforms other than having a consistent look and showing which team you support?
Its more of a tradition. College/High School Marching Bands stemmed from drum and bugle military bands from the 1800's so they have an 1800's military type of look with the Shako (Hat), plumes (the feathery thing on the shako) and uniform. This uniform looks disgusting and goes against traditional uniforms.
I know we've been talking a lot about the game last night and I don't like to be negative but did anyone else see the new band uniforms last night. SHORT SLEEVE band uniforms. Really ugly in my opinion. I see what they were trying to do with the two stinger concept that's part of our new branding but the old uniforms were way better. Stick with the traditional look.

Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Its more of a tradition. College/High School Marching Bands stemmed from drum and bugle military bands from the 1800's so they have an 1800's military type of look with the Shako (Hat), plumes (the feathery thing on the shako) and uniform. This uniform looks disgusting and goes against traditional uniforms.
Not to interrupt the bathing in our tears in this thread, but it looks like the central smock part of the uniform can be worn over long or short sleeves, depending on the temperature.
I’m talking 400+ members at home and 200 away. Move the gay frats out for seating.
Not to interrupt the bathing in our tears in this thread, but it looks like the central smock part of the uniform can be worn over long or short sleeves, depending on the temperature.
It’s going to look equally shitty with long sleeves.
I was in the 6th row behind the Tech bench, the band walked right in front of me prior to taking the field at halftime -I didn’t even notice the uniforms.

Of course I headed to Clemson nursing a head cold and sore throat with multi shots of cough syrup and DayQuil tablets, chased with a few Crown and gingers at the tailgate, so my attention-span probably wavered at halftime.