New BDS Picture update July 13th (link)


Nov 19, 2001
Great to meet AtlJacket today with his two young daughters. They sure love running around the stands at BDS! hehe AtlJacket is really into the contruction. Brought out some interesting things regarding footings and such. He notices details well. Always nice to meet someone with a passion for GT football which he obviously has.

Pictures don't always show how much progress has been made since even the 10th. Nore do the pictures show how impressive BDS is looking. The goal post in the south end zone gives some good perspective. They are really working hard on the facing outside of the east. The lower brick as shown in pictures go all the way across the east outside already. Like the looks of the "Arch" in the center.

Took some pictures then my batteries went dead. Ran to get some more. By the time I got back they had gone a long way to putting in another section in the north. Many people working inside the east concorse.

The four pictures on fist page are of today. The additional pictures are in "Photo Albums" link on right.... BDS Renovation as of July 13th
As I posted on the Hive, thanks alot mate. You locals can't imagine how much of a big deal updates and photos are for those of us 600 miles away. THANKS!

Never got an answer on a request on the Hive earlier, but where will the visiting team enter/exit the field? Southwest corner maybe?
You are correct, the visiting team will enter from the SouthWest corner... right under the GT band oddly enough.
LetMeOut is correct. Besides, who's going to argue with him with a wasp like that!!! Awesome!

About players entering the field, I thought we were entering in a portal on the east side of the north stands. They were working right around that area today. Saw them lower a huge beam that went across the the corner stands in place. Made me wonder if a portal is going to be there. Could be that it's high enough to not hinder the portal, or a slot could be cut out. Just wondering.

I'm nuts man. Can't tell you the jollies I'm getting watching them place beams down at BDS!!
Yes, beeware of the big bad wasp(yellow jacket)!

According to the architectural plan photos, you are correct in that our team will enter through a portal of the north stands. Doesn't look very big from this photo. Hope they are able to fit the Wreck through it.

Thanks for posting that picture. If the Wreck can't fit, they'll bring it in from the west side of the north stands and drive it over in front of the portal. I'm sure the Wreck will lead our Jackets on the field.
Hey AtlJacket!!!! Look at the picture that LetMeOut posted here. I've seen it before, but been awhile. YOu are absolutely right about what we discussed today. Those verticle beams infront of the Edge were for stands coming down from the Upper North. This picture shows those stands well. Had never noticed that part of the upper north would be on top of the Edge like you mentioned.
What I want to know is when they plan on installing the mag-lev system to get BDS@HGF to float around in the air like that. I'm guessing thats the main project for after this season.

As far as team entrance goes, the word on campus is that Gailey is going to parachute in from a stealth bomber (which will also have as cargo our 20+ secret recruits).

I asked this question under your post on the Hive, but I've gotten no response. Why is the goal post in the South endzone silver? Will it be painted green?
GTTerrific, yep the picture seems pretty clear.
I'm a little surprised they are up now instead of
after the session. That pictures also shows the
concrete walkup infront of the west stands.

It was nice meeting you yesterday. Thanks for
posting the pictures.
atl, sure does. It showes it going between the west and north stands. It wasn't poured other than in front of west was it? That's how the tv vehicle will go up and down sidelines for the game. Guess it will be used for other things coming in and out of stadium as well.
Originally posted by CowGill:
What I want to know is when they plan on installing the mag-lev system to get BDS@HGF to float around in the air like that. I'm guessing thats the main project for after this season.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">LOL Cowgill. This will only make it even harder to find a place to park!!!
Sorry Indian. Missed that on Hive.

Here is my thought on the goalpost being up yesterday: No way will it remain silver (it's natual aluminum color) for one. Could have put it up for effect while they were hosting kids. In person it did really help with size and perception of the new field.

As far as what they will paint it. I'm not sure. It will probably be either yellow, that greenish yellow, or white. I would emagine.