New Commit

Next time I see Purdue mentioned in anything pertaining to us, someone is getting punched in the junk.
Next time I see Purdue mentioned in anything pertaining to us, someone is getting punched in the junk.

This is the news we need. Great get. Welcome to the flats!
We're getting really excited over a 3-star committ. What would we do if we ever got a 4 or 5-star?
A 3-star is a 5-star at Tech. Just like most of the girls at Tech are Tech-10s :biggthumpup:
lol I looked at the link "title" and was horrified until the page loaded.

forgetting the word "down" was pretty lame!

...he says repeatedly that he's going to play right away. I would be a little bit surprised at that to be honest. But he is rather large.