New helmets this week

I always love white and gold. I would pay decent coin for this helmet.
I was focused more on the clear sticker overlapping the holes near the top. Need to X-Acto knife that öööö.
Don't look at this then.

Does anyone know if the white helmets have become our primary helmets for the foreseeable future? I know at least for the 2nd half of the season we pretty much used the white helmets exclusively. Even on CFB 25 it shows that our primary helmet is the white one. I definitely don't mind using the white one occasionally, but I also don't want us to abandon our traditional gold one either.
Does anyone know if the white helmets have become our primary helmets for the foreseeable future? I know at least for the 2nd half of the season we pretty much used the white helmets exclusively. Even on CFB 25 it shows that our primary helmet is the white one. I definitely don't mind using the white one occasionally, but I also don't want us to abandon our traditional gold one either.
Yea…I hope we’re using white helmets as our primary. The clashing golds have always bugged me. White helmets are clean AF.