New seating chart for BDS ......


Nov 25, 2001
Just got my latest GT info pack and it had the new seating chart for BDS

1. Moving the students to the endzones
2. visitors are in SE upper and lower, SW upper, and NW upper
3. all the rest is season ticket holders and on the edges is public

Looks good to me. Seems like we pushed the visitors further into the corners. I think it is great idea to put students in the endzones. Those people need to be making the most noise.
I got it too. But I'm confused. Earlier I did not renew my season tickets because they said no seats would be changed. I got stuck in the endzone last year, and it was a complete waste of money for me. Every game, I could have scalped a better seat for cheaper. No joke. I tried it. I certainly hope it's right. I'm thinking about getting season tickets again now, but I do not want to be stuck needing the binoculars for half a game with the band blazing in my ears like I did last year.
Did the GT Ticket Office ever mail out those little yellow cards saying "We received your season ticket order. Thanks for supporting GT Football" like they do every year? I never got one in the mail this year. Hope they got my order/kinda has me worried. I've ordered season tickets every year since 1982.
I agree the students should be in the endzone since they're more into partying/socializing than watching the entire game like us diehard fans.
Hey, my status has just been upgraded to "silver member" from "bronze member". How'd that happen?How many posts are needed for "Gold Member"? "Platinum"? "'Old Gold'"?
That's ashame the upper North stands are not symmetrical, hence the infamous "wedge".
The season ticket holders should be color coded yellow, not the visitors.