News Flash: The Real Story on the demise of the hive.....


Jolly Good Fellow
Feb 5, 2002
Some of the hive insiders found out that RR and Dave Braine were together for a meeting. Many of said hivers lined up to do their daily 'arse' kissing of both Braine and RR. Apparently, some pushing and shoving developed to see who could get to the head of the line to be the first 'pucker-upper'. This led to tremendous pressures and mysterious gravitational pulls on the entire mob; so much so that an infamous ' Black Hole' developed and devoured the hive insiders as well as the entire web site.
Further details will be reported as they develop.

I'll say one thing for you beeware- you know how to make friends. You never say anything but one time.
Kidding aside I am very surprised noone has posted anything.

What happenned? I know some of the readers/posters of this site are hive insiders.

Just let us know. It appears that the registration on has expired. Is that the reason?

Has RR had a falling out w/ insiders?

99% of the posters/readers of this website support RR and are VERY appreciative for what he has done for the GT fan community. But we would like to know what is going on.

So if ANYONE has some credible info (this excludes you beeware) please post it.
This just in:
The hiver-insider/RR/DB black hole is even denser than thought. Officials working at the site have now concluded that a 'higher' power will have to be called in if there is any hope for the hive.
And that can only mean one thing.....Chan Gailey to the rescue. Now we will really see what he is 'made' of.
Stay tuned.

Is this BLACK HOLE at all related to the BLACK EYE left on our program by the hiring of Gailey?

We know Mac's positive peadership would have saved the Hive, but will Gailey be able to recue everyone under his NEGATIVE LEADERSHIP?

The answers to all these questions and more, on the next episode of When BeeWare Attacks!!
actually beeware,

Coach Mac was initially called to try to help the "black hole" from engulfing everything or developing further, but his help was only short lived. It seemed that he had never even been a programmer or a network adminstrator for anything, much less for such an important position as the one available. He has had no success at all as a guy in charge--"his positive leadership" just wasn't enough. He was soon passed over for someone vastly more qualified. Gailey is said to be installing new server systems as we speak. Stay tuned.
CHAN really is the man!!!!
Chan with his unbelievable power of persuasion was able to revive the hive. Apparently, he talked all the hivers that were kissing RR's arse that they should switch with the hivers kissing DB's arse. At that critical moment, the incredible pucker-power was momentarily halted as the two groups exchanged places. This reversed the strange gravitational pull and the black hole was successfully reversed. Now a very orderly line of RR and DB arse kissers are waiting their turns all is back to normal at the hive.
Three cheers for the magic man....Chan.

BeeWare, I am not sure whether this is good or bad, but you are one-of-a-kind!

Wow!!!! Beeware has all the skinny on "Buck" Gailey. Do I denote an epiphany on his part?

Letmeout has been holding that pic for 6 months waiting for the right time to bring it out.
Thank you... Thank you very much!

I guess my Yellow Jacket(wasp) is a little too big for this board!!
Maybe he will fit in at the new Hive, if it ever gets here...
I'll say one thing, it is very imposing. You win the award for having the biggest bee on the boards.
