Not an AJC basher, BUT...


Dec 28, 2001
I don't subscribe to the theory that the AJC is out to get us at GT, but their handling of the news from Athens and from us is dopey. They are writing as if-and this includes Bisher, who usually has more sense- there is an equivalence between GT players flunking classes and UGag players breaking NCAA rules by selling their rings.

These are not equivalent! Flunking is no "scandal"! It may be disappointing to various people, mostly the students themselves, but it is hardly scandalous. Nine kids selling championship rings, against clear rules, after well-publicized "ethics" classes, is embarrassing, comical, AND scandalous.

For a newspaper to get in a pious huff about Bosh calling a press conference to announce his leaving is just about the ultimate hypocrisy. They are the ones who have made it "news" for a kid to go pro, and non-news for a regular student to leave school.

But to suggest that the Bosh press conference is a "scandal" on the order of Jim Harrick's creepy behavior is not merely hypocrisy, it is a lie worthy of the Nixon (pubs, fill in your own) White House.

I'm sure their defense is "balanced reporting." In fact , it's unbalanced bs.
Belly, you are right on the money on this one. For Bosh to leave and enter the pros is an annual event and is legitimate. Nothing even resembling a black eye at Tech. Actually, it is a testimonial to the recruiting ability of Hewitt.

For Tech student athletes to fail is also not a black eye. Why doesn't the AJC write about the students that are not athletes that also flunked out. This is also a quarterly event at all schools. Again, this can be a testimonial to the fact that Tech will not break the rules to pacify a coach.

So, the AJC is throwing around baloney to try to eqaute any of this to the scandalous situations at UGA.

Thanks BellySeries.

And Boo to the AJC and anyone that supports the fish wrapper.
I hate to say it, being a long time Bisher fan, but his article smacked of an old man having a bad day and not being able to think straight. God love him.
Belly, I agree with you... good post..

Another amusing article related to "ring gate" was the one by Steve Hummer who compared the SEC Championship ring to a wedding ring... why do I get the feeling he is either divorced or never married?
Bellyseries proves once again he can neither read nor think.

Do you think his criticism of Furman Bisher, our lone pro-Tech reporter, might have something to do with the fact he dared to raise
an issue with things suddenly falling apart last fall?
Originally posted by Father WASP:
Bellyseries proves once again he can neither read nor think.

Do you think his criticism of Furman Bisher, our lone pro-Tech reporter, might have something to do with the fact he dared to raise
an issue with things suddenly falling apart last fall?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Wasp.. am I to assume that you think smoking dope and falsifying grades are the same as flunking out of school?? I am anxious to know what you "read and think"

I agree. The only scandal that might (emphasis on might) come from our academic problems will result from the administration not taking the appropriate steps to correct what went wrong or failing to communicate along the way.