Nothing good happens on Ponce

oh look, your butthurt symptoms are listed here.

this could potentially be the rare 'infinite recursion' troll. fun times
we're at 8/1, really seems low. where my lurker troll jackwagons at?
Given the shoddy state of reporting these days, sometimes some idiot picks up something like this and runs with it, posts it on Twitter and it blows up. Would you be okay with it if it were to happen to you?

If what happened? That i got a bumch of free publicity and no negative consequences?
Given the shoddy state of reporting these days, sometimes some idiot picks up something like this and runs with it, posts it on Twitter and it blows up. Would you be okay with it if it were to happen to you?

I would probably go out and kill, like, 5 hookers or something.
Give me "Things I couldn't care less about for $500, Alex"

The amount of blow that would fit on your erect penis wouldn't amout to a felony in this state bordered on the south by Florida
The amount of blow that would fit on your erect penis wouldn't amout to a felony in this state bordered on the south by Florida
Thats not funny bro. What if some potential female love interest were to read this and believe it to be true. Then JJacket would die a loner loser.