Now We (Fans) Show up for Duke

I’m going to guarantee a victory now as well, because your Dr. Cox comment jostled this memory loose from a wrinkle in my brain and if this isn’t some time is a flat circle nonsense (14 seconds in):

I just got chills. Go Jackets.

I completely forgot about this, but I remember noticing it was GT/Duke when watching it.

I was such a big fan of the show that I named my dog "Rowdy."
Were you attending anyway? Nobody knows who the hell you are.
And you are an internet nobody so what’s your point? No I haven’t been attending since Collins and Key returned and won’t be until Key is gone. If that makes you butthurt…go be butthurt. If you miss gobbling Collins balls so bad you can’t resist Key’s….well have at em.
This is an example of a toxic fan.
Toxic? Lol. Did I hurt your feels? Do you need a safe space now? Key is trash and never should have been hired in any capacity by Tech. If he’s ruthless enough to trash a Tech degree and program while at UCF why would any Tech slum or fan feel he is deserving or capable of selling same in recruiting now? He’s a “Tech guy” because he played for Tech. Ok, so he’s a Tech guy that is trash. You really think his prior negative recruiting against Tech hadn’t been used to negatively recruit against him now?
Maybe he’s just a place holder but I’m amazed at the morons now giving him a “clean slate” to see what he can prove the rest of this year. As if he doesn’t have a body of work to judge already. Amazing. But he’s a “Tech guy.” Lol
It looks like a prime example of a mutt troll account trying to sow fan discord in any situation.
Very possible. Since his join date, all he has done is try to tear the team, coach, and fan base down. He along with quite a few others.
Very possible. Since his join date, all he has done is try to tear the team, coach, and fan base down. He along with quite a few others.
Says the guy with “wannabee” in his handle. Just for laughs what have I been wrong about thus far. When you cried about my comments after Collins and Key were hired who was right?
Says the guy with “wannabee” in his handle. Just for laughs what have I been wrong about thus far. When you cried about my comments after Collins and Key were hired who was right?
If you follow the posts back, my post and the one I was responding to did not reference you, but instead GTYJ, you rube.

But since stuck pigs squeal, I’ll consider you as a troll account as well.