Official Army Navy Surplus Thread

Ironically I think that is an example of the offense not working, and a great QB pulling a gain out of his ass.
What about this one?
I wanted CPJ to stay forever, but....

This game makes me realize that I should have been ready for a change.

Don’t get me wrong. I loved many of the CPJ years and thought the offense was fun to watch. But I also got to a point where I thought that both CPJ’s best days were behind him and the offense’s best days are behind it with the incremental rule changes designed to hamstring the system. Both of those combined with what I thought was significantly diminishing returns on recruiting made me ready to do something different.
That look on the Navy fans faces in regard to their passing game.
I won’t miss 3rd and long -BBack dive
Those were better than than the 3rd and long passing fire drill.

Or my (least) favorite - the we are behind and there are only 3 minutes left every play is a passing play panic offense