OFFICIAL "Chat doesn't work" "I don't know how to chat" THREAD

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now Bernard is saving himself for the NFL... good game, B, but glad to see you hobble to the sideline. youll get better
UNC is kind of sh!tting the bed here.

And I take back my comment about the refs. They are being pretty fair.
My chat works, but like some I can't enter comments. Just gonna talk here and watch the chat.

Nice 3 and out late in the game.
wow, almost a PF on us for gesticulating in a guys face... just win, Jackets, dont act all tough
I am not a fan of Golden's defensive play, but he is a special teams playmaker. How much longer do we have him?
So whats the percentage on Vad/Tevin playing time this game? I just got in and I've missed most of the game.
this is where CPJ typically gets conservative....hope he doesn't here!
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