Official First Sighting of a Tiger Devour a Dawg Thread

Excellent playcalling Bobo! A delayed draw on 3rd & 16. You sorry ass cowards.
Look at all on those "achievement" bones on the back of Cock's helmet. You would think he was Peyton Manning reborn instead on a losing QB. Do thy get those just for showing up? I swear, Hershel only had about a dozen or so stars.
I despise how those bastards get up and do the Soul Train jive after every meaningless tackle around the line of scrimmage.
ugag in a close one. might be like 38-35. auburn D ain't so hot (rush D is like 90th something in the country). neither team is very good.
but their secret weapon is .. wait for it....

joe lil' cox
Glasses can make ugly girls attractive. Also, some nice praise for GT there.
OMG, someone please capture some screenshots of those horrifying UGAg fans at the end of the half. That dude srsly looked like a pig.
Anyone notice that they said the UGAg game will be on ABC? Wonder if the primetime slot is a done deal?