Official Friday Night Games Thread Episode 7: FNACCM+P12AD

Is Cuse loses this game it’s because their QB and WR fight while the clock runs..... or ... never mind they win because Clemson gift wraps them a set of downs
Why the hell can't Venables stay back on the sidelines - that dude behind him pulls him back literally every 15 seconds.
Dear Mack Brown,
Your job as color commentary is not to fill every gap in time. You don’t need to ramble.
What is that in the distance, emerging from the haze... it looks like a circle... of suck
The ACC Circle of Suck never left, it's just that everyone else must have gotten sucked into it for a while, and the ACC teams had more experience there.
Is anyone else seeing Clemson's uniforms as pink-ish when they get close to the orange paint on the field? There's so much of that color it's either messing with my picture or my eyes.