Official fuxk Dwags gameday tbread

So buy them candy bars and Cracker Barrel gift cards.
Speaking of Cracker Barrel, me and my lady ate there yesterday. Got a couple of GT items on 70% clearance. A few shirts were $6 each. Not shabby. Not gold, but they will wear around. I guess that's a benefit of having a mediocre season.

Shoney's might work better. Big buffet
öööö those ööööers and the ööööing horse they rode in on.
so much hate. so much hate.

and we need more of it directed toward the red and black in Pasadena. My God I fear what those invading Huns are doing to that city. May the ghost of Pasadena's greatest native (George S. Patton Jr.) arise and drive them back to their homelands of trailer parks and Walmarts.
Boomer motheröööööö!!! I'm the biggest Oklahoma fan in world history. p.s. what is a "Sooner"?