Official Game Day Thread - Da I vs. Da U

I've got the game on my computer via (Please Stand By screen)
This game is literally taking every conceivable possible turn in order to drag on longer. It's almost ööööing amazing until it's not and it's got me raging down to my mother ööööing BONES god DAMN I am ööööing angry holy shit you have no ööööing idea
This game is literally taking every conceivable possible turn in order to drag on longer. It's almost ööööing amazing until it's not and it's got me raging down to my mother ööööing BONES god DAMN I am ööööing angry holy öööö you have no ööööing idea

Don't look now. Field goal coming.
Ha Ha Ha smack your mouth one more ööööing time and see if I don't find your ööööing house tonight you unfathomably disgusting piece of shit I hope your ööööing family kermits en masse tonight