Official Game Day Thread - GT vs. Cav Man

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Refs blew a call right? Virginia had 1st and goal from the 10, then there was a "5 men in the backfield call". They then kept the ball at the 10 instead of moving it to the 15. Then we were offsides and they put the ball 1st and goal from the 5.

Didn't we decline? I think they only ran two plays after that.
I've had enough of this junior high juking - just follow your blockers
Our A-Backs run scared this year. I’ve never seen them slow down on the perimeter like this. What’s weird is that it has been a problem every game except Miami.
We're lucky that wasn't a flag on the PR tackle
Refs blew a call right? Virginia had 1st and goal from the 10, then there was a "5 men in the backfield call". They then kept the ball at the 10 instead of moving it to the 15. Then we were offsides and they put the ball 1st and goal from the 5.
We declined the penalty. Right call on goal to go.
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