Official Game Day Thread - GT vs. Duke

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Our defense is playing like shit. Pretty sure I just watched one of our guys throw a block for their RB.
He's treating this like his personal podcast. I seriously want to know who was stupid enough to believe that hiring him for this job was a good idea. He is beyond horrible, it's absolutely ööööing baffling. I'm not going to do my usual "______ smacks his mouth so I hope horrible things happen to him and his children" because I'm sincerely offended by how terrible he is. I'm ööööing upset.
Maybe I shouldn’t complain about my blackout? :dunno:

Also, good thing we’re winning, because you’re salty :lol2:
"We talked about what penetration can do"

Yeah, you ööööing colon ulcer, I'm pretty sure you've already set the record for the most times that word has been said in a broadcast.
Are these refs going to call a freaking hold or not. Good lord.
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