Official Game Day Thread - GT vs. Tenn

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I remembered being so hyped up at halftime during the last game I watched. Jackets look good though. New QB, new B back, and no Lynch...

What injury did Lynch have? I must have missed that during the past couple of weeks.
Marshall is playing well, not too many mistakes. Bad pitch and the fumble... no bad throwing decisions

I'm trying to hold it in. My wife already went to bed. She looked at me lovingly, at the can of beer on the table, back to me, and said, "just remember, baby, you have work tomorrow." Then she patted my head, kissed me on the cheek, and went to bed. She saw the crazy in my eyes, I know it.
looks like we have a qb and a bb,which we didn't know for sure

and a bunch of dbs, which we did know
I'm trying to hold it in. My wife already went to bed. She looked at me lovingly, at the can of beer on the table, back to me, and said, "just remember, baby, you have work tomorrow." Then she patted my head, kissed me on the cheek, and went to bed. She saw the crazy in my eyes, I know it.
My wife is still watching and said call in if you need to.
I just hope we don't do that typical thing where we turn it over on the first play of the half

Disclaimer: Jinxing doesn't exist
I'm trying to hold it in. My wife already went to bed. She looked at me lovingly, at the can of beer on the table, back to me, and said, "just remember, baby, you have work tomorrow." Then she patted my head, kissed me on the cheek, and went to bed. She saw the crazy in my eyes, I know it.
You can only do so much. If we play like this in the second half, sanity and silence are over.
I'm trying to hold it in. My wife already went to bed. She looked at me lovingly, at the can of beer on the table, back to me, and said, "just remember, baby, you have work tomorrow." Then she patted my head, kissed me on the cheek, and went to bed. She saw the crazy in my eyes, I know it.

Hot. What was she wearing?
I'm trying to hold it in. My wife already went to bed. She looked at me lovingly, at the can of beer on the table, back to me, and said, "just remember, baby, you have work tomorrow." Then she patted my head, kissed me on the cheek, and went to bed. She saw the crazy in my eyes, I know it.
Just how many MORE cans of beer is in the fridge?? Hangovers are over rated.
Game isn't over by a longshot, obviously, but this is too good not to share.

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