Official Gameday Thread: GT vs. Castrated Turkeys

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HEY SON, YOU HAVE ONE JOB....KICK IT HIGH! Awful coaching, not meant to mention poor execution by the punt team not staying in their lanes.
I just received this email.

I can tolerate most of the juvenile things that happen on this board.


I will NOT tolerate such a vulger game being displayed to me for ANY reason.

So, here it is:


I recommend you do 2 things...very quickly:

1. Key WILL apologize.

2. An immediate ban until AFTER January 1st on Key for this HIGHLY offensive game.

2. I expect an IMMEDIATE and FORMAL condemnation by you of Key and a warning to ALL ST's members that a game like that is offensive.

3. I'm prepared to pursue this issue further in legal venue if these 3 requests are not acted upon by 1:00 PM tomorrow.

I can handle all manner of juvenile behavior in here.

However, I WILL NOT tolerate slanderous/illegal/highly offensive games being IMPLIED to me.

I await your immediate response and action.

Yes. I am F-ing SERIOUS.
The next time Shanahan kicks it to a corner will be the first time.
Be right back. Gotta dig for those receipts of our idiot "amazing recruiter" head coach talking about the amazing punter he was able to dig out of ööööing Ireland.
how can the OL be this bad? what the öööö has Key been doing for 3.5 years coaching them?
They’re making VT look a lot better than they are. GT’s defense is bad again this week and the offense is mostly ineffective again.
Seeing the offense this year and remembering numerous posters who believed that Chip Long was going to take over as HC after collins confirms that most don't know what the öööö they're talking about on here
Name an OC who would make this OL + a true freshman QB look good
Lmao great awareness Dontae
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