Official Horny Toads bringing balance to the Force game thread

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Allright... so hear me out...
onside kick ... recover... quick score...38-14.
onside kick... recover...quick score....38-21.
onside kick... recover...quick score...38-28!
onside kick... recover...quick score...38-35!
if there is still time left....
onside kick... recover...quick score to win...42-38!!!

TCU has em' right where they want em'! GO FROGS!
What I want for the rest of the game is ESPN execs knowing they have this game on 6+ stations that no one is watching. I'm watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond
Stupid ACC refs.

Show me what they were looking at on the Ref Cam, cause it ain't the play
O.K, o.k., o.k.....
so wait.... don't give up yet....
we got this thing....
we can do it...
is the bus running? Get the damn bus running....
on my signal... everyone run like hell to the bus....
just throw off the jerseys'.... don't even worry about them...we gotta get the hell out of here.
Where the öööö is the mexican cartel when you really need them. These tcu cocksuckers must have zero connections.
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