Official Jackets v Kittens Game Thread

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Freaking VT sucks so hard. We need to get O the ball and they need to do something with it
There it is again. Nail in the coffin and you can't deliver. ööööty football.
Dunno if you guys saw Watson's face when he was on the table. Don't think he's coming back.
Clemson made our 5-yard-loss throwback play look good
Maybe having our offense on the sidelines will give the coaches some time to make whatever adjustments are needed, and coach the players up.
Watson probably back by 2nd half? Even if he is he will have a bad wheel. D is saving our bacon. Put Devine in and let's get something going. PJ going to funky plays early isn't good. This game is 5 times more stressful than any other we've played far. Every play feels critical to me.
lol the minn-OSU announcer just said, "We'll that's gotta be disappointing to lose Watson but stout was able to get them in the endzone." After the interception high light.

Wrong endzone bud.
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