Official Jackets v Tigers Game Thread

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Literally no chance to convert if we go backwards on 1st down
As a life time sidewalk fan, everyone is tired of the academic excuse bullshit.

Precisely! I've said this for years. Sidewalk fans are not going to spend their time and money to support a program that is not committed to winning. It makes no sense. That's why our 55,000 seat stadium is never full. That's why every big home game is effectively an away game.

But, of course we are clearly smarter than everyone else who realizes that success in sports is a great way to build a brand and raise lots of money from alumni and supporters to support both athletics and academics.

Instead we focus on SAT scores, USNew & World Report rankings and claim intellectual supremacy while everyone else packs their stadium and brings in big bucks.

If the administration would take off their nerd hats for a bit they might realize that we could have it both ways - great academics AND better sports can co-exist.

We will never be a factory, but we could be much better and more consistent than we are today with a bit of a different focus by the administration.

Anyone who enjoyed last season should be raising hell.
Marshall has looked decent considering

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We used to come out at half and just march down the field... What has become of us?
Sidewalk fans need to shut the öööö up about changing academics at Tech. It's not our place to have a ööööing opinion on.
It's funny seeing the blitzer get juked with a slight side step
Sidewalk fans need to shut the öööö up about changing academics at Tech. It's not our place to have a ööööing opinion on.

It is a state school getting state money so it is every ööööing bit our business.
It is a state school getting state money so it is every ööööing bit our business.

GT puts more money back into the state than it receives.

2/3rds of tuition collected from GT students goes back to the general pool to fund other universities in the USG. That amount is greater than the money GT receives in state appropriations.
This is the best discussion about sports I've ever seen

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It is a state school getting state money so it is every ööööing bit our business.

It's a state school, which is why GT can't alter academics like Duke and ND can. The state board of regents has to approve all those changes.
GT puts more money back into the state than it receives.

Just a side note. I've met so many GT alums in my company and al over the Houston area I feel like Georgia is subsidizing the education of chemical and mechanical engineers for Texas. It's ridiculous how many there are down here.
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