Official MCB Gameday thread

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Help me understand something here. Paul Johnson has two "talented" QBs one is a better passer than the other, yet he decides to give the other less experience QB a series from our own 5 yard line?
Help me understand something here. Paul Johnson has two "talented" QBs one is a better passer than the other, yet he decides to give the other less experience QB a series from our own 5 yard line?

Makes no sense...but that is typical CPJ....ööööty gameday coach
Every offense would implode every game if a three-and-out was all that was necessary for implosion.

Talking about the QB switch and draw play. Plus the nobody blocking anyone on the TO play. Even for a 3 and out that was a mess.

That TD call was also a mess.
We're not playing poorly, we just gave coaches wetting the bed today. This is what it looks like when your coach craps his pants.
Of course, no camera angle on the line... Refs have been very, VERY generous to Ole Miss on this drive.
Help me understand something here. Paul Johnson has two "talented" QBs one is a better passer than the other, yet he decides to give the other less experience QB a series from our own 5 yard line?

Your "CPJ is a crazy bitch" theory is rearing it's ugly head. What a bonehead decision.
It doesn't help that we tackle their guy forward on third and 12.
Help me understand something here. Paul Johnson has two "talented" QBs one is a better passer than the other, yet he decides to give the other less experience QB a series from our own 5 yard line?

Well we'd bitch when JT never gets in the game otherwise. I say just play Vad. I haven't seen anything from JT that makes me think he is better (or that he even deserves snaps).
When Vad isn't particularly hot, JT always gets the third and fourth series. We've seen this a few times.
Well we'd bitch when JT never gets in the game otherwise. I say just play Vad. I haven't seen anything from JT that makes me think he is better (or that he even deserves snaps).

You and I are watching different teams. JT is explosive and has a better arm than expected. He runs the option faster than VL but makes more mistakes. VL is the starter for a reason, but I see a very high ceiling with JT.
Of course that was a called QB draw with JT. Not sure if CPJ saw something in their defense.
We're not playing poorly, we just gave coaches wetting the bed today. This is what it looks like when your coach craps his pants.

Like Vad not tucking and running when past the LOS with loads of open space? Instead we are forced to punt. Several guys need to get their head sout of their a****
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