Official Skrong - Quack Thread

Ballgame. Why couldn't they have fumbled everywhere against us?
What was their defense preparing for in all those weeks?
That freshman chose the wrong week to be charitable. All Tech needed was 1 stinking turnover to beat those guys.
Party Time for Oregon

This is over. If FSU had made any one of the mistakes like this against us we'd be ACC Champs too. Irritates me to no end that they are crapping the bed like this.
I wonder if FSU looks for a different defensive coordinator. FSU is not prepared at all for this offense.

This and fumbles don't help. We are going to throttle them at BDS this upcoming season.
Anyone else hate watching Oregon offense? It is just fast paced zone read or flanker screen with down field throws mixed in.
There are crab legs left to steal aka it isn't over until the UGA animal husbandry coed sings.
I don't care what yall are saying. FSUs O is struggling and their D is showing no signs of life. Even if they score once or twice so what? Oregon is gonna keep scoring and it won't matter.
Anyone else hate watching Oregon offense? It is just fast paced zone read or flanker screen with down field throws mixed in.

Don't like it as much as when chip kelly was there. He mixed some option in that was a lot of fun to watch. And I don't mean the zone read kind.
NC State board did not disappoint in their reaction to his comment about them.


In a sense it is a true statement but its much more a shot at FSU. I mean I think NC St knows they aren't Oregon good but Fowler is implying FSU is closer to NC St than Oregon.