Official Stingtalk Tailgate - Round 2: Tulane

He's 19



You don't end up with 2 sons at Tech by being a bad mom. Just sayin... I think I'll stick with what I've been doing. It's worked so far... No reason I can't come to the tailgate and not embarrass my son in the process....and that would include not bringing him to the tailgate! :lol: :owned:

You are embarrassing any sons between the ages of 15 and 25 by even being seen in public with them. Doesn't make you a bad mom and once he has kids you will be wanted again. Just the way things work.
Do you think that the flavor will have improved once they pull your chicken sandwich out of your colon?

I frequently get my colon cleansed. You could eat off of my colon

Guys I know this is going to sound weird coming from me but let's keep it clean on this thread. I don't want the thread locked and buried before the tailgate.
Guys I know this is going to sound weird coming from me but let's keep it clean on this thread. I don't want the thread locked and buried before the tailgate.

I thought this was the fun board.
The MARTA bus that runs from Howell Mill Rd. to Five Pts. stops at the Salvation Army on Marrietta St. He can hop on the bus if he's a late sleeper. Otherwise, bring him to the tailgate with you. Not to ruin this message board's rep, but StingTalkers frequently bring their kids to the tailgate. It really is a family friendly gathering. Alcoholic family, maybe, but family friendly nonetheless.

Tech students don't have a whole lot of time to waste sitting around getting drunk...that's for after he's graduated and he's an 80ker. :lol:
You are embarrassing any sons between the ages of 15 and 25 by even being seen in public with them. Doesn't make you a bad mom and once he has kids you will be wanted again. Just the way things work.

This is true, but he'd rather be seen with me than ride Uber or MARTA. He has a pretty cool mom, ya know. :wink:
.....serious Tech students and you don't know my son plus he's not 21 yet....
I raised him right!

I have my engineering degree and the Wreck Room didn't card. Neither did Grumpy's.
.....serious Tech students and you don't know my son plus he's not 21 yet....
I raised him right!

Any lots with pissers? Tired of having to piss in a jug or walk 1/2 a mile. Alcohol consumption ya know.

When I came to the Duke tailgate last year there were a couple port-o-potties in the parking lot right by where we were hanging out (beside the student center deck). Is that not normal for them to be there? Seemed pretty convenient.