Official Stingtalk Tailgate - Round 2: Tulane

Wow that's impressive, now I know what to give my buddy for his Bday whose trying to quit smoking!

Yeah he'll taser himself a few times by mistake before his brain will tell him to avoid cigarette packs altogether.
Wow that's impressive, now I know what to give my buddy for his Bday whose trying to quit smoking!

My brother-in-law's wife has one. Her dad gave it to her for Christmas one year. She doesn't even smoke, but it's a handy way to keep in a purse, or even carry in the open if need be.
oh sweet they got it in marlboro lights too.

That's what hers looks like. I'm not about to try it but that sonofabitch sounds badass when you hit the button.
I think that's his intention. Highriser is the devil.

Or you could do it to a friend who asks you for a cigarette. I know how I'm gonna get flunkout back. Don't nobody tell him though.
Hey stop judging me, JudgeJudyGTMom. Where am I supposed to hide my kid every fall saturday if she can't be around drinking? She likes to laugh at her crazy dad who runs barefoot around the freezing neighborhood waving his GT flag after we beat Miami.

Anyway we don't like to shelter her from life. She needs to see what a bunch of drunk morons are like. Perhaps it will take some of the allure and mystery away from it and help her make better choices in the future..

Indeed. My now 10 year old daughter has been coming to Stingtalk tailgates since the inception. In what, 4 years worth I think she's missed maybe 3 or 4 games. I've never had a single issue, quite the opposite actually, in fact there are several regulars that she refers to as her friends.

I know this, if I didn't have her down there on campus so many times she likely would not have developed the fierce loyalty for and love of Tech that she already has and the healthy mega dose of uga hatred that she proudly carries around despite many of her friends families being mouth breathers.

In fact I'd say that it's been a huge boost to her self esteem to be treated with such respect by all these "grown ups". To me she would be worse off if I had sheltered her from all this. I can only imagine that if she was 19 and I tried to shelter her from all the tailgating debauchery she would actually be offended (and rightfully so).
Man this thread took off. A few things:

1) There are porta-pottys at the RV Lot, two of them, usually very clean. If you bring bribes you may even be able to use an RV.

2) Plenty of kids at the tailgate, age 6-60. We bring a half dozen or so each week.

3) If you think things can't get message-board crude, come by on Friday night. After the kids go to sleep. :biggrin: The first Friday night is always ridiculous, usually going hard into the wee hours.

4) I wasn't aware of Flunkout's moratorium on rap, but there a few of the RV elders that aren't a fan. Not a big deal. The Breaking Bad RV compensates with lots of hard rock and hair/heavy metal.
Man this thread took off. A few things:

1) There are porta-pottys at the RV Lot, two of them, usually very clean. If you bring bribes you may even be able to use an RV.

2) Plenty of kids at the tailgate, age 6-60. We bring a half dozen or so each week.

3) If you think things can't get message-board crude, come by on Friday night. After the kids go to sleep. :biggrin: The first Friday night is always ridiculous, usually going hard into the wee hours.

4) I wasn't aware of Flunkout's moratorium on rap, but there a few of the RV elders that aren't a fan. Not a big deal. The Breaking Bad RV compensates with lots of hard rock and hair/heavy metal.

Flunkout doesn't really care. It was a joke. But a few times we (I) played rap some of the older folks did kinda look at us funny. Nobody minded all the way turnt up or put on though.
Indeed. My now 10 year old daughter has been coming to Stingtalk tailgates since the inception. In what, 4 years worth I think she's missed maybe 3 or 4 games. I've never had a single issue, quite the opposite actually, in fact there are several regulars that she refers to as her friends.

I know this, if I didn't have her down there on campus so many times she likely would not have developed the fierce loyalty for and love of Tech that she already has and the healthy mega dose of uga hatred that she proudly carries around despite many of her friends families being mouth breathers.

In fact I'd say that it's been a huge boost to her self esteem to be treated with such respect by all these "grown ups". To me she would be worse off if I had sheltered her from all this. I can only imagine that if she was 19 and I tried to shelter her from all the tailgating debauchery she would actually be offended (and rightfully so).

Please know that I am joking about kids and ST tailgating and not judging anyone. I would have loved to have had my boys grow up GT tailgating. Thankfully, Tech is the only college they wanted to go to. I'll just say my situation is different and that's all I'm going to say about it.
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