Official Stingtalk Tailgate - Round 3: Notre Dame

Akinji- you using red bull as your mixer today? That's a rough couple of hours to drive all night and then tailgate and then go to a 3:30 game.

Cyp did the hard work. I got my beauty rest for a couple hours. But it's not something we haven't done before. Go Jackets!
Be safe dudes. Make an otherwise innocent child wearing Notre Dame gear cry for me. Drink a beer for me as well, but the crying child thing is my first priority.

Well, at least you made it to the parking lot before putting the card on its side.
Sean Bedford just stopped by the stingtalk tailgate
Cyp did the hard work. I got my beauty rest for a couple hours. But it's not something we haven't done before. Go Jackets!

I won't question your dedication again. The beauty rest didn't work. I was going to tell you that the drive is longer than you thought.
How is attendance?
I was opposite the main Tech section, they were very loud at points in the first half. Problem was that we didn't give many reasons to get too loud...

Good showing by Tech fans for sure.

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The tailgate was a resounding success. Thank you to all who showed up. ND fans were very hospitable and gracious in victory also. I wish we were driving back home with a victory but at least we had a great time and got to see Chicago as well.

Next up: UNC. We'll see you in two weeks.
Glad you guys had a good and safe trip despite the outcome. I'm still hyped about this team, looking forward to the UNC tailgate. Hopefully the Duke game can give us something to feel good about going into it.