Official Stingtalk Tailgate - Round 5: Pitt

If I were able to attend the tailgate I would most likely set fire to something.
Wish I could make it. Got 2 kids that could be born at any time, so can't really go too far.
I was going to fly back for the FSU game but my wife is also due any day now.
Yes this weekend we're sacrificing a virgin to Odin at the tailgate altar to bless our path to victory. Do you know where we can find one on campus?

Phi Kappa Tau

Congrats on the imminent babies guys. My sister just had a lil boy yesterday. Babies are pretty cool.
Ok, I think the Ramblin Wreck is going to drop me by the tailgate so I can give Akinji his "small" bottle of fireball and kick him in the nuts.
Thank god after spending two nights fixing the cable/internet/phone/security, the Ft. Meyers CW station is carrying the game. The CW is all about the ACC. If it weren't for them and Me TV, we'd have to watch them on the radio, coit style.