Offseason poop-post/poll

Which statement is most applicable to you?

  • "I like Georgia Tech"

    Votes: 42 65.6%
  • "I dislike UGA"

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • "This poll makes GT look bad, mods plz ban"

    Votes: 20 31.3%

  • Total voters


Varsity Lurker
Jul 9, 2015
Why are all the threads about uga? I am not a content creator, but I am the 99% and I demand more Tech news/anecdotes/lolpics
Short answer: all the threads aren't about U[sic]GA.

Actually I guess that's the long answer too.
Short answer: all the threads aren't about U[sic]GA.

Actually I guess that's the long answer too.

I need you to provide data to support you claim.

Remember, us here at Stingtalk use 95% CIs. Thanks.
Not a lot of GT news out there right now; however, there has been plenty of uga news on arrests and injuries. What GT-related topic would you like to discuss?
"Like" Georgia Tech? I will ööööing fight you.
Again, looking for the MOST applicable

The reason we talk about UGA in the offseason is offseason news is all about idiots doing stupid öööö, so UGA has more offseason news.

Alright I concede.

Gossip time!!! So I live in Athens, and the other day while I was at the gas station, there were a couple of athletes ahead of me in the line. They bought some Black & Milds and snacks with a prepaid card. They obviously didn't do anything wrong or anything, but I thought it was interesting. Prepaid cards are the perfect way to pay athletes.-- pretty much untraceable! I'm sure most schools do something similar.

But then again, it could have just been a birthday present from his grandma, I'm definitely making assumptions here.
Again, looking for the MOST applicable

Alright I concede.

Gossip time!!! So I live in Athens, and the other day while I was at the gas station, there were a couple of athletes ahead of me in the line. They bought some Black & Milds and snacks with a prepaid card. They obviously didn't do anything wrong or anything, but I thought it was interesting. Prepaid cards are the perfect way to pay athletes.-- pretty much untraceable! I'm sure most schools do something similar.

But then again, it could have just been a birthday present from his grandma, I'm definitely making assumptions here.
Are prepaid credit cards better than cash?
Four grandkids in college, all of them use cash cards, easier for their folks to track spending(no writing checks in bars or cashing a check at The Robbery on Sat am like the old days) and easier to replenish. No news here, although the potential for mischief exists.
When I saw the thread title, I thought this poll was going to be about making Beestorm add the option to "poop" a post to the like, dislike, and big cry options. I was guessing that the OP thought it was unfair for Beestorm to keep that feature to himself.
Ok so I'm gonna beat a dead horse. Get ready or GTFO.

I had no idea what a bagman was, googled it, and found the SB nation article. All I can say is wow, I had no idea that type of information had been made public two years ago. I also found some tinfoil for myself in regards to tech. Henceforth, this post will adhere to the r/asoiafcirclejerk tinfoil creation formula (source:

1) In the article, Godfrey says "If a majority of bagmen want a particular coach out and an A.D. or president won't make a move, they'll just dry up the funds."
2) Funds wet = bagmen happy; funds dry = bagmen unhappy
3) Paul Johnson = coach; Mike Bobinski = A.D.; Article Published 2014, prior season was 7-6 with another bowl and UGA loss, butt hurt futures = uncertain.
4) Interview at the bottom of the article around 24:45 "maybe a couple of years ago [this culture (bagmen)] applied to Georgia Tech, they may have fallen off"
5) "fallen off" = funds dry = bagmen unhappy = they wanted CPJ fired/maybe still do?

Is this why our recruiting has been hovering towards the bottom of the ACC?

Article link:

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Not a lot of GT news out there right now; however, there has been plenty of uga news on arrests and injuries. What GT-related topic would you like to discuss?

Speaking with someone in the know apparently Lamont Simmons is walking an academic tight rope and JJ Green has been getting into a bit of trouble. Nothing serious but enough to be a concern.