OK-- what grade does GT get for the FB coaching staff


Nov 25, 2001
It appears almost all the coaches are hired and at least the coordinators are in house. What grade do you give CG/Braine for the new hires and how do you rate it against prior staffs.

I know this is a prediction b/c they have not won a game yet.

I give Braine an (A) for the CG hire and think he was the best candidate that GT could have gotten.

I think CG gets a B+ for his additions. I questioned Rick Smith's candidacy but that situation took care of itself. Tanuta looks like a winner, but we will have to wait and see. The other hires look solid.

We took a hit in recruiting and through the bad press, but a good season next year should solve these problems.

No matter how long Billy stays next year was vital. CG has been out of the college game for awhile and him working 1 year with Billy will bring CG back up to speed. Hopefully Billy is here for awhile but it was BIG to keep him next year.

I dont know if coaching transitions are ever easy but it seems ours had its share of pitfalls but we are through it.

Look forward to sitting in that new stadium.
Good thread Law bee. THANKS for posts like these that will keep us going until spring practice and beyond!

I think all this considered, the coaching hires get an A all the way. CG is the epitome of GT class and character. He has hired some great coaches who will not only help to take us to the next level on the field, but will establish some great inroads in some rich recruiting territories like Texas and Alabama. NOTHING wrong with that.

Overall, things have GOT to get better for GT football considered the upheaval and controversy we've seen the last two months. As always, keep the program in your prayers. There are MANY in the program who could use them!

I cannot WAIT til spring practice!!
Forgive the goofs in the above post. I just got up from my afternoon nap. Good grief, what am I doing with my life? Getting up at 3:30am to do a radio show everyday and I'm not THAT far away from 40. Oh well, I love the Yellow Jackets how 'bout 'choo!??
I'll give them all A's by default since we haven't seen anything on the field yet, though Smith does not look like an impressive hire after the fact.

I have a good gut feeling about CG, as a handler of college-age players, as well as a Xs and Os coach. (Caveat: I'm on my second wife; gut may not be perfect.)

I give CG an A-, he came in at a tough time and has been good to tech, from then on, its all on paper, not gonna judge right now.....