Okay I have to say it... BYU fans are as


Varsity Lurker
May 29, 2002
delusional as most UGA and UNC fans. They are going undefeated this season as well as busting up the BCS. Lol they are replacing most of their skill positions and they still have a swiss cheese defense.

I hate to say it becasue they have had some great players come out of there but I hope we beat the living crap out of them!!!!! The best seasons for Tech are when we can deal out our own dose of reality for teams like this.
They do seem to be pretty optimistic every year... the only thing that concerns me about playing them this year is that they follow the Clemson game... lets hope the same BYU team that showed up in Hawaii last year shows up in Atlanta...
While I'm assuming this is a pretty tongue in cheek comment, I would think that a GT fan would HOPE that BYU will be as good as the fans hope we will be. Would you rather play someone that was hoping for a .500 season?

As is, the consensus among BYU fans seems to look towards anything from a 11-1 to a 9-3 season, the most possible loss being against GT.

Concerning our delusional state, I would say that BYU fans do tend towards the optimisitc side. Of course, we've had much to be optimistic about over the last 20 years. On the other hand, it seems to me that painting all Georgia, North Carolina, or BYU fans with the same brush may be pushing the steroetypes a bit too far.

As is, we've lost key players from the 2001 season, but we look to the replacements as being capable talents ready to perform. The defesne has been overhauled with an emphasis on speed (our slow LB's were absolutely killed by sets of 4 and 5 Hawaii receivers). Of course, no one knows exactly how the changes and new players will respond. As a result, BYU is a bit of an unknown, just like last year (which turned out pretty well for us).

BTW, many Cougar fans were very disappointed by the late season collapse our team suffered. But now that it's happened, it has served to remind the team not to rest on 2001 laurels. There is still plenty of work to be done, and we look forward with respect to what should be a great game for us against GT.

Also, I just thought you guys might like to know how impressed a lot of BYU posters have been with GT fans that have found their way to BYU message boards. In all cases, GT fans have been knowledgable and polite. Thanks again for that, not too many teams have been this way (Miss. St. fans, I'm looking at you
). Thanks again.
Good reply, San Juan Sun. Tech has its share of folks who legitimately belive we will go 13-0 every year. If you open and focus on that 1 thread it is easy to believe that is the norm. If you follow a message board every day you likely see it is not.

We look forward to a great game on the 21st of September. Great to see ABC picked it up as I predicted they would. Hopefully you guys WILL bust up the BCS. I hate it. Would love to see a playoff like practically every other sport in the world has to determine its champion. If BYU or Fresno or whoever can somehow bust through to make a mockery of this SEC/Roy Kramer-driven bullschlitz system we live in, great!

Tech and BYU have one thing in common. Lots of people take potshots at BYU's national title you won in the early 80's. And I'm sure you've heard all the reasons why. Well, at Tech we get plenty of the same regarding ours in 1990. Mostly because neither of us came from the SEC, Big 11 (why can't they count properly?), Big XII, or is media-darling Notur Dumb. Everyone universally seems to believe (including GT fans) BYU's national title team would've been destroyed if they had played in a Rose or Orange Bowl against a Nebraska, Oklahoma or whoever was good that year in the Big 10. Funny how Techies can be so hypocritical. Same thing was said about us in 1990. We would've LOVED to play Colorado who shared a title with us. We would have KILLED them I can assure you. Just as I'd like to see teams have to face and stop that offense you guys had during your national title year. If we had a playoff system we would have.

Good luck to BYU. I agree with you. We hope and NEED you guys to do well during the season. Makes us look much better whether we beat you or not. However, never expect me to say that about UGA. I hope they lose every game. Sure you understand.

By the way, ever have any betting advice please stop by and give us some. BYU at home was $$$ for me last year. And betting against them on the road was too. Remember following the net on a Friday night having taken the Cougs at -19.5 or so vs. Utah State as well as the OVER. BYU's offense went nuts in the 4th quarter and came back winning both bets with me after looking like
the first 3 quarters. Great memory for a bettor. That night I toasted the Cougs
until the weeeee hours of the morning. WOOHOO!
Great use of the graemlins there, J.T.

SanJuan, I'm looking forward to the game! I love the cross country matchups. I believe we should schedule one west coast team per year. Not only would it help recruiting, but there are dozens of interesting matchups out there. BYU should be an exciting one!
Thanks for the great replies. The reputation of GT fans is well deserved. We have quite a few BYU alums in Georgia (many will be at the game), and they all seem to respect GT.

I had a question for you guys. as an ACC team in what many consider SEC country, how do ACC fans feel about the SEC? Many western fans hate the SEC. PAC 10 fans hate it because they feel the PAC 10 is a better top-to-bottom conference. Mountain West fans hate it because the SEC seems to be the flagship BCS conference, which we hate. No disrespect to SEC football, which is great. We just have a strong dislike for Roy and his buddies.

As far as the BCS goes, BYU fans almost unanimously agree that the BCS stinks. We hope it gets broken up soon (probably not until 2006 at the earliest though
). If not by us, by somebody. A lot of us feel that some sort of a playoff would become the greatest tournament in sports.

Of course, BYU has quite a history with national respect and the media, and of course GT fans may be familiar with that considering 1990. FYI, in 1984 the number 2 team in the nation was Washington. Instead of playing #1 BYU in the Holiday Bowl, they opted for Oklahoma so they could get in a better money making bowl. Instead we got 6-5 Michigan, who we barely beat, and won the nat'l title. Washington fans complained about disrespect, ignoring the fact that they could have played BYU for the title. This led to the famous Bryant Gumbel take on BYU "Who did they play, Bo Diddley Tech?" This ticked off a lot of BYU fans, but we settled things in 1985 by thumping Washington in a regular season game.

In any case, we feel that a game against GT will be a very stiff test for us. We think that BYU will probably have a good team, but will probably not be as deep as GT. Our offense really is fun to watch, but will be tested by a very fast GT defense. Our D is an unknown, but if I am correct, GT's offense will be breaking in some new players at QB and RB as well.

BTW, how is the renovation of Bobby Dodd coming along? We hear that it will be excellent when completed. I've heard that being in downtown Atlanta makes for a very unique football locale. A fair amount of BYU ought to show up, and we sure hope that we'll get to enjoy your new stadium with you.

Anyway, best of luck, go Cougars, and go Braves. (You might be surprised to know that there are quite a few Mormons who are Braves fans. You can thank Dale Murphy for that. Same thing goes with Steve Young and the 49ers.)
BYU fans may or may not be delusional, but the two sets of the most delusional fans that I can remember in recent years are:

1. Ugag fans talking up how great Donn_n was going to be
2. Tech fans proclaiming that 'Buck' Gailey was the next coming of Bobby Dodd before he has even coached one game.

Actually hard to say which one of these groups is most delusional. But #1 definitely did not turn out and the jury it still WAY out on #2.

My comment was a bit tongue in cheek. I have frequented your boards since March and although some of your fans are reasonable there are many who think they will come to Atlanta and just absolutely destroy us. Unfortunately Tech runs an offense that is hard to defend as well and we probably have a much deeper talent pool at receiver than BYU does as well as having a much, much better defense.

I also read a lot of posts regarding the fact that BYU is an "Elite" program. I think this is also a delusional statement. Tech is not one of "elite" teams either. However much like UNC and UGA fans that post that their football is "elite" that is where the comparison with BYU is made. Every year we are exposed to the same dumb pup fans that predict they will win the MNC and are elite status though they consistently finish fourth in the SECE. Frankly they haven't done squat since 1982 yet they are God's gift to college football. Same with UNC... they have never had much of a football tradition there yet they declare that they should win the ACC every year.

Sorry if I painted all BYU fans with my sweeping generalization but seeing a lot of those posts made me chuckle as I doubt seriously that BYU would be able to beat any of the truly "elite" teams such as Nebraska, Oklahoma, FSU, Florida, Tennesee, Miami, Texas, Washington, or Alabama (ya can't have 12 MNC's and not be on this list).

Beeware... I never saw any posts referring to Gailey as the next coming of Dodd. Can you post a link?
A few thoughts:

You said that GT's offense is tough to defend. Well, EVERY offense was tough for us to defend last year
. In all seriousness, our horrible D was good enough to win 12 games last year. That may say more about the offense than anything however. This year, none of us really know much about the defense, although we do have every reason to beleive we'll see significant inprovement.

About our receivers, BYU has never had the big gamebreakers that ACC and SEC teams have loads of. In fact, BYU probably is most responsible for perpetuating the slow, white receiver steroetype. On the flip side, these same slow white guys (relatively speaking) have historically been great route runners, had hands of glue, and have been fearless. We've been very succesful with these types of guys.

But times are changing. BYU has been able to recruit more speed and athleticism in the passing game. We still only have one standout receiver (Reno Mahe), but a whole pack of decently athletic, speedy receivers that we can just rotate in the game. This may be a big help to us in the Georgia humidity.

We have historically had great TEs, and will again have two end up in the NFL in the 2003 draft. Our lines have both been huge, and this year will be no exception. Our O line is all 310 lbs plus, and they are all athletic guys, not just big fat dudes. BYU has historically put a fair amount of linemen in the NFL as well.

But size has it's flip side of the coin, mainly a lack of speed. Last year's LBs averaged 260 lbs, but ran 4.7 40s. This was coupled with a weak defensive interior line, and the results against the run game were scarily bad. This was a historical deviation from BYU's traditionally strong run defenses. The new athletes on D are expected to get us back to where we were in 1998 (#5 defense nationally) when we were faster.

Our Achilles heal was always pass defense. Last year, the pass defense was surprisingly solid, and we lost our worst starter in converage, to be replaced by a JC All-American. We don't expect any dropoff against the pass.

In the end, we have a lot to be hopeful for this year, If our new personnell respond as expected, BYU will be very dangerous. If not, we may well be mediocre. Only time will tell. We are lucky in that our O will be gooing against your D, strength on strength. It should be great fun to watch.

As far as BYU fan delusionality goes, there's no denying that many BYU fans feel that BYU football is the biggest thing between Omaha and the West Coast. BYU has had great success at playing giant killer in the past, but has a penchant for losing to lesser talented teams.

This seems to be changing under Coach Crowton, whom you know well. His intensity has really extended into every part of the program, and we;ve noticed a great revitalization for BYU football. Things are pretty good now, and they seem to only be getting better (in terms of wins, program viability, and recruiting). He deserves a lot of credit for the 12-2 2001 team, that went 6-6 in 2000 with the same personnel.

In any case, I'll quit rambling now. best of luck, and hoping for a great game against GT.
Originally posted by SanJuanSun:
Thanks for the great replies. The reputation of GT fans is well deserved. We have quite a few BYU alums in Georgia (many will be at the game), and they all seem to respect GT.

I had a question for you guys. as an ACC team in what many consider SEC country, how do ACC fans feel about the SEC? Many western fans hate the SEC. PAC 10 fans hate it because they feel the PAC 10 is a better top-to-bottom conference. Mountain West fans hate it because the SEC seems to be the flagship BCS conference, which we hate. No disrespect to SEC football, which is great. We just have a strong dislike for Roy and his buddies.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Alot of ACC fans hate the SEC. Alot of SEC fans hate the ACC. We're 2 conferences that share alot of the same turf, so it's natural to squabble. We've got 3 huge in-state rivalries that pit the ACC vs the SEC (FSU/UF, GT/UGA, Clemson/South CArolina).

Personally, I don't have a problem with the SEC. They have the most passionate fans in all of college football and I respect that. But the ACC, IMO, is a great all-around athletic conference. Our basketball is 2nd to no one and our football is much improved in recent years.
Add a few more notes...

BYU fans making fun of stadium size and how we never fill it up. By all means check it for yourself via the War Room.

Sorry but last time I checked stadium size did not determine victories and was the only argument most SEC fans can use when faced with actual facts.

Sorry I see Tech winning this one by 14 points.
Originally posted by Beesnut:
Add a few more notes...

BYU fans making fun of stadium size and how we never fill it up. By all means check it for yourself via the War Room.

Sorry but last time I checked stadium size did not determine victories and was the only argument most SEC fans can use when faced with actual facts.

Sorry I see Tech winning this one by 14 points.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Good. I hope they keep on making fun of our stadium. That'll make it that much more fun when we stick it up their arse.

If you want me to read your posts, you will have to be much more concise.
Take it from a guy who's attended MANY games at both BYU and GT. Regardless of stadium size, there's absolutely NO comparison in gameday experience.

BYU fans arrive 5 minutes after kickoff and they have a VERY WEAK alumni side and average student side regarding support.

Also, GT's field seems to be closer to the stands and the noise seems to resonate much better than BYU.

I think the Cougs may be very surprised at how enthusiastic & LOUD our fan base is when they enter tiny little BDS @ HGF. F$U's players have often mentioned us as tough crowds (noise-wise) over the years? Wonder why they'd say that.